New oscar tank


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2004
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I was wondering i just got a used 100 gallon tank and was wondering how many oscars an what other fish could go in it ? i already have in there 1 jack dempsey 1 convict an 2 black oscars an 1 pleco I was wondering if another oscar could go in there or not ? an if not what else could go in

i also wanted to know if live plants would be ok in the tank with them like broad leaf plants an such

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I'd say you are pretty well stocked. If i was getting something else i would get another convict (oppisite sex) and then there would be a pretty constant live food source. :)

If i were gonna do live plants in a tank like this i would make sure they are attached to something heavy, like driftwood or rocks. Java Ferns and Anubias would prob. be your best bet.

Remember you don't want to over load the tank because you want everybody to have their space. Don't want it being like fight night at the MGM grand. :)

Got any pictures of the tank, i'd like to see them.

Also how big are the current fish?


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2004
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Ya ok the sizes of fish
oscars : 3"
jack : 1 1/2"
convict : 1 1/2"

i dont really want to have the convicts breed cause it would be to much on the bioload IMO once the oscars an jack start eating them an the mess would drive me nuts lol

could i get another oscar an everything be ok ?? me an my gf want one or any other living thing like invertabrates etc

i have some broad leaf plants right now one is a brizillian sword the other is unknown but they are pretty hearty its a single stock that looks like grass that hasnt been cut its green in the middle an white on the edges ??? ive tried to post a pic but my camera makes them to big in size but ill keep tryin


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2004
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well if anything i will get rid of the convict cause i dont like him very much anyways an the reason i got the 100 is for the oscars an i assumed since minumum tank size for 2 oscars is 75 100 gallons would hold 3 thast all lol

an also my pleco is a crap machine is there anything i could use to replce him ill be going fishin for mudpout (catfish) soon will one or two small catfish work ???

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
welcome to the tank!

in general, native fish and tropicals CANNOT live together. their needs are different. i have channel cats w/ koi and goldfish, but they go together good, they both need cold water and ponds. most native cats get way too big for a tank. pictus cats would prolly work, or any medium sized semi aggressive catfish. maybe a tiger shovelnose- they are a really cool medium-large fish.

where do you live? in north america or UK? australia, etc?


Large Fish
Feb 28, 2004
winnipeg, manitoba
I would then keep the 2 oscars if like them so much , ditch the otheres and mabey try a lima shovel nose the tigers get way too big for a 100gal. If you add one more oscar there might be trouble if 2 pair up and im sure you know how messy 2 are one more will make just more of a mess. take a look at for some info on good catfish for your tank.


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2004
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so i went to the an they said that my choice of catfish the black bullhead that lives around my parts is very compatible with larger cichlids an i looked at all the specs on tehm an they seem like they would be fine in my tank