New Oscar

I agree with TheFool. Are those your current 55G stocking listings? Way over crowded! When fish are bullied or picked on they tend to get away from the agression any way they can. And often that escape is "suicide" A 55g is really not big enough for the 2 juvie Oscars and once they are full grown they require atleast 55g of water. Oscars are VERY messy fish and produce a Huge amount of waste. I can't imagine having Drae plus another oscar Plus 2 of this or that in a 55G tank! Even when he was small the Nitrate creep was insane! Even doing 2 50+gallon water changes a week! Even in a larger tank 2 oscars may or may not be compatable once they reach breeding age. Even if they were raised together.

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Who ranted? I don't want some NEWBIE coming on to the foums and thinking it is OK for someone to stick that many fish in a tank together for any length of time! She does not have a 180 gallon tank at the moment. She is INTENDING on getting one. Not the same thing. If she already had it and was cycling, as well as making it clear that the 55g was not the permanent home for the fish, I wouldn't have said anything.

Too many people come through these forums browsing and looking for 'advise' only to see, "oh so and so has this many fish in X size tank I can do it too!" I would have said the same thing to anyone, Noob or Oldie, that has that much bio-waste packed into such a small area!

You can take it as a 'rant' if you wish.

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Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
i do understand that you're only looking to help, but jess has explained that her fish are only in that tank temporarily until she gets her 180 gallon tank [in a different thread]. i don't think it's worth anyone getting too upset about, since you were just offering advice. ;]


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Thanks Katie and Jessey ;) Im getting a 180G tank for sure soon. My fish are no where near ready to move into that size tank. I would loose everyone for sure. Everyone is still very young. I understand your concern but by no means am I a newbie nor do I need your 'rants'. As far as people looking in on a thread this was not an advice thread. This is a picture thread of one of my fish. Most of the time people look in the beginer section for the advice. And for my SW tank, I have left that to my husband. Its all his deal and he is designing a tank to upgrade them into. But again no hard feelings. :p

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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Wow, a lot of people getting on the defensive in this thread!
IMO there weren't any "rants" at all in here, so I don't see what all the fuss is about.

Absolutely nothing wrong with pointing out the special needs that oscars have, right? After all, they are very thick-bodied fish which typically get to be over a foot long, thereby creating huge pressures on a tank's bioload-handling capabilities. Just check out all the various stories (readily found via a simple online search), one after another, of people whose oscars developed HITH (hole-in-the-head) disease because they were kept in overstocked conditions...the pics aren't pretty. So why get all bent out of shape about it when someone with oscar-keeping experience offers their advice about the particular needs of these fish?

If you already know you have plans for a larger tank in place and are fairly certain that they will materialize, then the advice provided was clearly not intended for you specifically (but, rather, was pointed out earlier). So why not just agree with it and admit that your stocking plan isn't what a newbie (who intends to keep oscars) should be doing? Wouldn't it be better to agree with reasonable advice instead of making this into a 'taking sides' match where several of you (with very little or no experience with oscars whatsoever) post seemingly in unison against a more experienced oscar-keeper?

It just doesn't make any sense to me...maybe there's more going on behind the scenes that some us clearly aren't aware of. :confused:



Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I wasnt getting defensive at all, just making a statement that I know what I am doing and that I have plans for these guys. My Oscars are very tiny still, one being 2 inches and the other only an inch long, by the time they are ready for a bigger tank I will have one for them and everyone else. Speaking of everyone else, just so there is no controversy:
Uarus got move a couple of weeks ago just didnt upgrade my sig and they 1.5 each
My Orangeheads are very slow growers (the guy warned me of this when I bought them) one is 2 inches and the other is 3 inches
The Acaras are 2 inches and 2.5 inches long
L134 is 2 inches and doesnt get bigger than 4
L083 is about 5 inches (Shes a fairly slow grower too)
And my L027c is about 3.5-4 inches (again another extremely slow grower)

My tank is cleaned weekly and has never had any problems with anything.

My other Oscar committed suicide just before a feeding. I had raised the lid to feed them and had to answer the phone. I left the lid open and he leaped out of the tank. I dont think it was more than mere excitement. But leaping out of the tank is a big mistake in my house, as they become fair game for the cats....

I wasnt trying to get defensive just stating the facts. I have been fishkeeping now for a number of years and I do know what I am doing, but as I said earlier I understand her concern.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hello would you all go back and read over the thread? Is it something about summertime that everyone is craving drama or something?

Lets get back to the original topic of the thread please.