New Ph Seachem test


Large Fish
Feb 14, 2006
Has anyone tried the new Ph test kit by sea chem. I guess you place in water and it will give you constant readings for 3- 6 months. I seen other types of the same design. Was wondering if anyone has any info in regards. Also my tap water is very acidic almost off the charts 6.0 and maybe less. I been using Bullseye 7.0 when doing my water changes. Seems to work fine. Is there anything other than this that I can used that will condition my water and bring the water that I use for water changes to a neural PH. I have a 29-10- and 50 gallon. It's getiing pretty pricey.
Thanks all:cool:


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Not used this type of Ph test.

Getting the pH to a certian level isn't anywhere as important as keeping it stable. Products like that don't really do much for the water over a long period of time, and as you are finding out are rather expensive to keep up. Your best bet is to take a sample of water to the LFS and let them test the pH to find out exacly what it is you have. Most fish will adjust to most pH just fine.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Like Orion said you need to find out for sure what your PH is. If it is below 5.5 some adjustment may be in order. The good thing is raising PH is easier than trying to lower it. About the best and most stable way of doing this would be to add a good amount of crushed coral to your filter. But like Orion also said stable PH is very important. So if you go the crushed coral rout make sure you do very small water changes, no more than 20% at a time. Anymore than that and your PH will drop to much from the new water being added and the fish will be stressed from this .


Small Fish
Jan 5, 2007
Concord, N.H.
jaws said:
Has anyone tried the new Ph test kit by sea chem. I guess you place in water and it will give you constant readings for 3- 6 months...
If it is the Seachem pH alert and looks like

then don't waste your money.
I thought it would be handy to have a constant monitor, but the disc never changed colors, and my two other tesing methods read 7-7.2.
