New Pics


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Okay finally got some decent pics

fts from the side

right side

left side

Some animals

New LTA (which the clownfish ignore)

Green BTA with lobophyllia in front (another anemone the clowns won't have anything to do with)

Diamond Gobie with rics

another fts



MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
looks nice! I noticed that fish in the top left of your first picture- cardinal?- and now I see why they are endangered- they really are beautiful in there :). I really like the tank you got there :).


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Thanks all. Yes that is a bangaii cardinal I have a mated pair of captive bred cardinals that have bred in my tank of which i have two of the babies residing in my fuge...where I will try to catch them this weekend and install them in my 29g. The cardinals tend to be more nocturnal and are more active and hunt at night. Once the actinics come on and mh go out they are out in front more.

Yes that is GSP that has completely taken over that rock from a quarter size bit a year ago. It smothered my monti digitata that I had and now unless I take that rock out and scrape it off...... I am stuck with it. I won't let it roam onto another rock if I can help it. I like it as I think it adds texture and interest.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
yes, they have spawned about 4 times since January when the first batch went down the overflow into the sump. there were about 15 or so in there of which I still have two that are almost full grown living there. They are eating all types of food now. Lotus' pair have spawned also. Cardinals are probably the easiest to breed in captivity though in the main display the babies seldom make it. I think to start breeding them successfully you would have to have a dedicated system for them where the babies can head into an urchin immediately after release so they don't become food for the rest of the mine seem to on a regular basis. Most clowns will breed in captivity also and again they babies seldom make it to maturity. My clowns have not spawned that I know of. Then again, mine don't know that they should hang out in the anemones either.....


Medium Fish
Aug 31, 2007
I mean this with all honesty…this is one of the best looking tanks I have ever seen (and i have seen a lot). Perfect in everyway. If I had only one goal for my tank, it would be to look like yours. I’m simply speechless.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Very nice, lorna. Looks like alot of changes to the tank since the last time I saw pics. I really like the "thought out randomness" of the rockwork, those two mounds are really nicely layed out. Alot of your corals are developing into quite the colonies... nice tridacnids too.

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Thanks, the rockwork consists of only 5 pieces approx 25lbs each which are marshall island and full of tunnels so there is lots of room for fish and critters to hide out.

Ahhh those clams, the crocea is the one in my avtar I got that one about a year ago, the derasa I bought on ebay for 90 cents......shipping was $30 though. It arrived and was 2 inches in length.....he has grown 8 inches in a year and should get to about 18 inches in total.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
very nice as always ..... youve had alot of growth since the last i seen and im actually starting to wonder about all this GSP i have everywhere :eek:

here i took it into my hands to put a side by side of your growth... hope u dont mind :p
jun 06'

feb 07'

and most recent

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Thanks guys I really appreciate the vote of confidence. The gsp has pretty much taken over that one rock. I prune it like grass.....With the powerheads it really moves and sways and adds texture and interest to the tank. Wow look at the growth on that toadstool.....I look back and do miss my digi and the bali slimer that succumbed to rtn this past spring. I lost 3 or 4 good sized colonies of sps and as I am not sure what caused the decline I am reluctant to replace them yet. I will wait and see before adding them again. The pics really show the clam growth so for any of you thinking of adding a derasa or maxima remember that they grow really big and can grow really fast....this one went from 2 to 8 inches in a year.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have the Current USA Outer Orbit with 2 x 150w mh and 2 x 130w pcs...and moonlights. I am saving my pennies as I want a solaris for my 120g when I get it..... This one is okay, but if I had to do it again I would have waited and got the new light with the t5s and the 250w halides.....kicking myself. Then again, maybe I could sell this one and get that one, it would work on the 120g also...much better. The 130w pcs are impossible to find cheap and they only last about 6 months at best. I really like the longevity of the solaris.....Hopefully Lotus will get one.....and then give us all a great review.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I think we'll probably get the Solaris in a few months. From what I'm seeing, prices may start to drop, too.

We got to see the Solaris fixtures at a frag swap/reef expo in August. We may even have them come to our club and give a demo (if we can arrange it). I know the company has come out with a lower end model, but we still want the high-end one... lol.