New Pink Convicts

Aug 19, 2003
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Ok, here is the question of the day fellas.

I recently took home 2 pink convicts. The Salesman or I cant figure out which sex they are. My main concern is that 1 has completely taken over the tank...and the other is limited to a corner of the tank, behind a plant. As soon as the smaller one comes out to "explore", the bully comes out and chases it. The bigger one cant catch the other so I'm not worried about them eating eachother, I'm just worried about the stress level for the smaller fish. Perhaps I have 2 males? Perhaps I have a male and female but the female isnt mature enough yet, so the male is not happy with her. I really dont have the answers, and it seems that no one at the pet stores do either. I feel terrible for the smaller convict, male or female because it has no courage to fight back, it just runs its ass off when the bigger one comes, and when i say bigger, i mean its noticable, but nothing out of hte ordinary, I would say 1 is about a half inch bigger than the other. The salesman said they are either both male, or the female is too imature so the male drives her away. Has anyone every encountared such behavior, they are paired together alone in a 15 galls long tank. Any suggests, comments, insults :), anything? Oh and keep in mind that once food is dropped into the tank, its a nuthouse, the smaller one doesnt care anymore and will do anything for its food.
So their diet is still stable. Very strange behavior though. Sorry for the long post, but i wanted to be as detailed as possible.

Thanks in advance.

Call me the convict with the convicts.

2 pink convicts - male or female not sure?
15 gallon tank. *crazysmil

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Sounds like 2 males......usually on Black convicts Males get larger than females with much longer fins. But sounds like you have 2 males to me.

Could possibly a mature male and immature female that is not ready to mate.

Hmmmmm take 1 back and get another of the same size....or there abouts.

When buying cichlids to be tankmates generally i look at getting them all the same size.

Aug 2, 2003
i dont know if this is true for pink convicts... but i know that for the black ones the females tend to have orange on their bellies and/or dorsal fins... i have one that is pretty small and has orange on its belly so i dont think you have to wait till they get older to find out... but like i said im not sure if this pertains to pink convicts

Aug 2, 2003
i see what yer saying... but the fish definatly has orange scales... its not the insides.. im positive... i looked real close when the light was off too...and i read that they will have it all the time not jus during breeding... but maybe it jus gets more intense during breeding

Aug 2, 2003
oo i fergot to ask...cichlid man in yer sig you say you have a mbuna with 2 convicts... i was always told you cant put africans with south/central americans.... or is it ok cuz the one u have is mixed... im so confused... everyone says something different

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Well......i did it before i heard you shouldn't......they get along fine...yes a few scuffles here and there but during breeding i put up a divider in the tank.

I am soon going to get rid of my Mbuna and Convicts and do something new with the tank.

But i have found it IS POSSIBLE. But not always recommended. :D

Aug 2, 2003
i wish i had a bigger tank!! what would u be breeding?? and i have a question... i have two convicts one of them is the black one with the orange that i told you about... they other i think is a pink convict.. but im really not sure because it doesnt look like the pictures i have seen... do u think its a crossbreed of the two or a color variation or what? also... do you know how to tell the sex of pink convicts?