New Plans For My 90G


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
So yesterday I lost my Midas. He had gotten really sick and the meds werent helping. But at least he got to relax and (sorta) enjoy his last days. :( Im not getting anything else for the tank till after I move but I have been throwing some ideas around this morning and I wanted to share it with ya'll.

I was thinking of getting 6 Honduran Red Points and 6 Koi Angels. I will dwindle my numbers down as they grow and pairs and what not develop but I think as a final number I like to keep at least 4 of each. My Sailfin Pleco will also live in the 90G.

Does anyone know what HRP are like. Im not finding a whole lot on them and Im wondering if my Rainbow Cichlid pair would be able to live with them too. I read they are the total opposite of Convicts. They will hold their own but arent gonna kill everything in the tank either. If this is the case I wouldnt see why the Rainbows couldnt live with them.

Again this is just me throwing ideas around so its not set in stone.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
His scales were all bumpy like. Sorta like a pine cone. They were sticking out but not in the full blown pine cone look. (does that make sense?) I was told that SA fish arent known for getting Dropsey but...His color was blotchy and when I picked him up (with my hand) I also noticed a white fuzzy patch behind his left gill. (which I could never see before cause he was always hiding (left side away) under the cave I made for him. He wasnt completely dead when I picked him up but because he was on his way there I stuck him in the freezer. :(:(:(


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Too bad about the Midas :( It was me you mentioned dropsey too (though might have been others, too!), and as I said then, I've never heard of a Midas with dropsey before - not that I'm saying it isn't possible, I've just never heard it before so I'm not sure if its common with them.

Anyway, I don't have any personal experience with HRP's, but they're supposed to be much less aggressive than convicts. Even then, I'm not sure I would trust them with angels. The long, flowing fins and slower demeanor of angels just isn't a good mix with the HRP's, I don't think. You could try it, but I'd keep a very close eye on them and be prepared to separate the two species quickly if needed. Never know, maybe the HRP's will stay on the bottom and pay more attention to each other...but again, a breeding pair could easily be too much for angels.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Sorry about your Midas.
Too bad you didn't live LFS just up the street has a gorgeous 12"+ specimen complete with a prominent nuchal hump and all. A very handsome fish! I want him, lol.



Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Hmmmm.....I will take your advice Sinister. Thank you. There is a guy on that is getting rid of a breeding pair of Albino Tiger Oscars that I am in the midst of talking to. (Mo linked me to it this afternoon) I may take them and I may not. But again it wouldnt be till after we move to reduce the stress on the fish.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
She asked me too, lol.
But, I think that you should get another "rescue" fish. There are SOO many of them out there really. They are generally the larger cichlids (as you know) so I'd get one!