New "Rescued" Fish and Sick Fish Question?


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Well, I "rescued" a little rosy red minnow from the fish store last night. It's happily swimming around my 10 gal. tank and looks pretty healthy, it absolutely stuffed itself at feeding time, probably because it's used to not getting enough food. The danios have been circling it and "nudging" it, it doesn' t seem to mind, but now I'm wondering if maybe I should get it some more minnows for company? Or will it find the danios enough company? They're all roughly the same size.

Anyways, I've recently began to salt this tank. As my earlier "vacation" thread stated, my little platy isn't doing too well. Frankly I'm surprised she's still alive, it's been over a week she's been acting like this. She's thin and inactive. She sits on the bottom of the tank in her "cave" and only occasionally comes out to skim the top of the surface for food. I'm guessing probably an internal parasite of some sort? I have some malachite green/formalin, but I'm hesitant to use it, so I've salted the tank, and raised the temp up to 80ish. What else could I do for her? All other fish in the tank look/act/eat healthy. I've been feeding flakes and frozen brine shrimp. She seems to come out and eat a little bit, then go back to her hiding spot. I'd hate to lose her, what else can I do? All water specs are good, I lowered the nitrite. Readings are: 0 ammonia, .25 nitrite, 5 nitrate.


Medium Fish
Aug 29, 2006
L.A. Cali
i would add a combo of melafix and pimafix. emphasis being on the pimafix.

as for the rosy red... i guess u could add a couple more to make him happy but im just not so sure how long they will live, even in spectacular water conditions. rosies are bred as feeder fish so they arent usually that healthy. anyways good luck with ur platy. hope he/she feels better!!