New Salt WaterI


Medium Fish
Jul 14, 2003
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I want to start a small (a 20 gal tank) salt water tank well ive been doing some research in still have some questions...

Ok what kind of substrate should i use I was thinking of crushed coral

I am planing on having live rock and my tank is only going to have like 1 clown fish (no anemone) and a couple of damsel fish do u think i should get a protein skimmer????????

Thanks any other tips would be appreacated.


Large Fish
Nov 21, 2002
North Las Vegas, Nevada
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How about NO damsel fish, Do yourself a favor and dont get damsel fish... never get damsel fish. unless you only want a damsel fish tank. Other than that a protein skimmer would be a good idea... I would recommend a CPR backpack skimmer as most of the others will be taller than a 20 gallon tank.

Crushed coral is good as it is low maintenence.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
First I disagree with Sinasster, damsels would be good starter fish. They are hardy, bright, and cheap. There are exceptions, like the Sergeant Major which grows up to six inches and gets very aggressive. However I have two yellowtailed Damsels in my twenty gallon reef and they get along fine. Now onto your questions. GET A PROTEIN SKIMMER! This is a vital piece of equitment. It will produce huge amounts of smelly brown liquid. Ask any pro and they will tell you to get one. For substrate I would prefer you use LIve sand or a fine Argonite substrate. Again I disagree with Sinasster, crushed coral will need to be replaced every twelve months and is not low maintence. You didn't mention a clean-up crew for your tank. I suggest purchasing a few snails, hermit crabs, and a brittle star or two.

Sam Reef
90 Gallon FOWLR Marine System
20 Gallon Reef
10 Gallon Reef
20 Gallon Freshwater Planted Aquarium

Sep 12, 2003
Springfield, MO
To start off I would get a 20 high or a 29g. The 20 longs are not tall enough to handle most hob skimmers. If you get a 20 high get a cpr bak pak. They are great. You can pick them up used on ebay or sometimes at small lfs's'. I got mine used for 40 bucks. I would use aragonite for the substrate. It works well for me. If you use aragonite or crushed coral get a sand sifting star and some snails that burrow to keep the sand stirred up. I would get at least 20 lbs of live rock. You can find it pretty cheap online and some places offer free shipping if you order alot of stuff.

Next, Are you wanting to do fish only or corals? if you are going to do corals I would suggest to get the 96 watt power quad light from custom sealife again check ebay. If you are not going to do coral use what ever you like. Preferably 10000k and actinic 03.

I like instant ocean salt mix. IMO it doesnt get much better for the price. And buy a good test kit. nitrate, ph, and ammonia. If corals buy one that comes with a calcium tester. Get a refractometer they are the best for measuring salinity.

For fish damsels are not a bad fish. Some people dont like them because they can be aggressive. If you keep them with a clown I do not think you would have a problem. Make sure not to overstock your tank. Most clowns will grow to 3 in or more. You might check out green chromis. they are not as aggressive and have a really cool green color.

Whatever you do make sure you buy good equipment and take your time. You can blow a lot of money if you rush into this hobby. (believe me I have)