New Saltwater Tank...

Jan 26, 2007
Hello everyone,

I just bought a 55 gallon tank last night, it's the eclipse system, instant ocean. It came with the filter and lights and salt and a few other things. My question is whats next? Do I need live rock? Cured or not cured? Fish or none? Sand, gravel, live sand? Tap water with salt? Coral? Please inform me on all these important details! Thanks in advance! *SUNSMILE*

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
Alright lets see
your not going to wanna use tap water you'll be sorry for it later so use RO/DI water.
Are you going bare bottom or sand?
You'll want cured LR because it should speed up the cycle,
You dont wanna add any fish until your cycle has finished
What type of lighting did it come with and are you setting it up as reef or fish only with live rock?

Hope that helps if there's anything else you wanna ask fill free to ask us :D
Best of luck,

Jan 26, 2007
What is RO/DI? And if it is distilled water I used that in my freshwater tank and all the fish died...
Not really sure what I'm using for sand, whats your best advice for that? I would like those little rocks that look like river rocks.
I'm setting it up for fish and coral for now. What is a reef tank? All coral?
Not too sure what kind of light, I wanna say 200w... Make sense? (I'm new at this!)
Thanks for your help!

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
alright RO/DI is like pure water here is a link i think this should help - 100gpd RO/DI System
well if you want sand then i wouldn't add it until you get the live rock then put the live rock the way you want and add the sand that way nothing gets under the live rock in the sand and gets killed. i wouldn't get river rocks IMO they get covered in algae and the clean up crew might have a hard time with it.
so your going to have fish and corals in the tank, right? (that would be a reef tank)
Reef tank just means corals fish inverts like you would see around a reef.
200w lights do you know what type compact, VHO or MH?
oh yea make sure you read the stickys they'll give you very helpful info

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Hello Triggerlover, Welcome to MFT:)

By the questions you have asked I would highly recommend you read some of the stickies in the top of the SW(Saltwater) forum, as well purchase yourself a good SW beginers book.

After you get your tank set-up and filled with SW and make sure your levels are all in check:

Salinity: 1.024 - 1.026
Temp: 78 - 82
pH: 8.1 - 8.4

You can then add in your LR (Live Rock) and LS (Live Sand). You will then need to let your tank cycle for approx. 1-2 months before you add in anything else. You next step will be adding in a so called "Clean-up Crew" which usually consists of Hermit and other types of Crabs and Snails to start off with. Then the addition of SeaStars, Shrimp, as well sometimes Sea Urchins and Sea Cucumbers. You will then again want to let your tank be for about another month before adding in your fish/coral.

Either cured or uncured LR is fine, though Cured is a better option.
No fish for the first stages as per above
Reef sand either live or not will be fine
RO (Reverse Osmosis) water is preffered
No corals untill first stages as per above

Welcome to the tank!, and again I just would like to say as per your questions above I would say you have not done much research on the hobby and with that said it would be a VERY good idea for you to read the stickies and get a good book.