New Set Up


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
im ordering a 40g tank not too sure if im gonna go for the acrylic or glass tank yet...
i know i do want sps in the tank i was just wondering if 2 150w MH should be fine. i already i have one 150w in my 29g so it shouldnt be a problem getting one more for the upgrade.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
150's will work nicely.... IMO it may evn be better than 250 since the heat will be less of an issue when u consider the size of the canopy ;) plus u already have one so yur ahead!
just a thought by why u upgrading from a 29-40? 11g's isnt much of an upgrade n youll just wanna upgrade again in 6 months... id say save up and go as big as you could afford!

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i would say 250's on a tank that big but u could always sell what you got now ;) and its not like u got a bunch of them or anything wer only talkin bout one 150w mh here :p

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Problem with the 180gal is its what...72" long? A typical MH will spread or cover about 2ft of tank space. So at 6 feet to get full coverage without many shadows you would need at least 3 fixtures. 2 would work, you can always build your structure around the lights, but just saying for a fully lit tank 3-4 fixtures would be ideal for a 180.

I'd probably end up going 250 on a 180 as well, you're adding about 8" of depth to the tank from a standard 40gal to a 180gal.

Could you get away with the 150s on a 180? Possibly, but you'd have to aquascape accordingly and basically keep all of your SPS and clams high in the tank. You just have more play with 250s at that depth.


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
well, im not getting a 180 was just giving a situating im most likley going to be getting 75g biggest so 150w should still be good right? i found a 50g acrylic tank with built in overflow so im going to call the guy up to see if he still has it if all goes well i should have it on monday!

well off subject i fragged some zoas and a couple leathers and actually made a pretty penny wich was pretty cool first time doing all that stuff.


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
alright! well i got it. 50g tru vu acrylic with built in overflow, stand, wet dry system, cannister filter, pwer compacts lighting, snails, hermits, and about 10 pounds of LR all for $200! man i love craigs list. the tank is in perfect condition and i know im not gonna use all the filtration and lighting he gave w/ it but thats where craigslist comes back in play ;)

im on my way to work and need to charge up my camera so i'll post pics sometime tonight


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
yea i knew the equipment was useless but the canister filter would work great for my g/f turtle tank. and i am going to make my 29g into my sump wich brings me to my next question. what kinda of protien skimmer? i want to do an in sump skimmer any suggestions?