New shipment

Jul 18, 2007
So I got my shipment from DRSFS. I got the API Master Test Kit, GH/KH test kit, some ferts and a long pruning tool, no more getting up to my bicep wet anymore.

So here are some old numbers from 1 month ago using test strips and here are the new numbers with the API kit.
Date 24-Feb 23-Mar
Nitrate 20 10
Nitrite 0 0
Hardness 300 200
Chlorine 0 0
Alkalinity 300 350
pH 8.4 8.0
Ammonia 0 0

Also from one month ago the tank has gone from this:

To this:

So there is some difference. The plants are starting to grow taller and now that I have my ferts, I should be able to make the Glosso explode.

Now that I have my ferts, Flourish, Excel and Iron. I have looked that the recommended dosage from Seachem, to help get rid of my BBA, should I use twice the rec dosage for to bump up the carbon? For now I am just going to go with the rec for my tank size.

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