Lol 'real' Africans
There's room for both Malawis and Tangs in the world...just not in the same setup
fish chic, I'm glad you're willing to rethink this a bit
I think in the end, once you've stocked it accordingly, you and the fish will be happier for it.
Anyway, so what's the plan then? Are you taking the fish you have back to the LFS, or keeping some, or...? If you're taking them all back and starting fresh, my first suggestion is to go here:
Under the 'search by group' part, select Lake Malawi and Lake Tangyanika under the 'select by group' dropdown box and have a look through the different profiles. This will give you an idea of exactly which fish you really like, and once you've done that you can post up here which species caught your attention. Then, we can work around the species you like best to figure out a great stocklist for your tank