New Stock!

Mar 11, 2003
Okay, so I'm back into breeding bettas after taking a 6 month or so break, and I just bought completely new stock. I will be working with a TON of new genetic crosses originating from a golden/red HM male X green/black marble HM female spawn from my local breeder (used to be 2nd in the nation when he began spawning bettas big time). The products of this spawn were green marbles, silver marbles, silver/red/golds, golds, and gold/reds. Amazing that this cross would produce so many colors.

I chose two males, a gold/silver/red, and a green/black marble. They are gorgeous and will be ready to breed in April when I get back from AZ for spring break (spawning them now would be completely irresponsible). I also recieved 4 females, 2 green marbles, 1 silver/red/gold female, and a silver marble. They too are stunning. The caudals aren't too developed, since the water wasn't changed nearly as much, as the breeder spawned them over Christmas break and didn't have the time to give them extra care. But no biggy, their genes are what I need to produce great fish, not their phenotype.

I am REALLY looking forward to developing new strains with these guys. I've never seen silvers before, only steels and coppers. Some of the silvers have gold irridescence making them even more spectacular. I'm attaching a pick of my silver/gold/red male. The camera I have is crappy, as my sister took her good cams when she moved out.


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Mar 11, 2003
More pics :). I found a labeling system that works well for my bettas. Males are letters (A-Z, then AA-ZZ, AAA-ZZZ, ect) and females are numbers (1-whatever). This way when I have a spawn it'll be A1 or B3, and I'll keep a record of what they are. So anyway, the point of me saying that was so you know which fish are in the pics.


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