New SW Tank?


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
My friend just got a 10 gallon tank for christmas and would like to have a sw tank. She's debating on whether to use the 10 or take it back and get a bigger one. What size tank would you recommend to keep some clownfish, green chromis', some sort of goby, some shrimp and maybe a sea star? Also, how many of each would be best?

I know absolutely nothing about saltwater tanks so I suggested she check this forum out ;) She hasn't decided what size of tank she would get but it would be anywhere from 20-75 gallons. As a general rule, what is the inch per gallon ratio for sw?

Also, do you have to have live rock and corals to keep the above mentioned fish, or can you use artificial?

What are some basics to start a sw tank? I'm assuming you should use crushed coral substrate, is that right? Also, is there any special filter you need and do you have to have a sump and powerhead? Other than that she would just need a heater, marine salt and hydrometer. Anything I am forgetting?

She is new to fishkeeping so the easier the better. Is there such a thing as an 'easy' saltwater tank?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
nothing real easy about SW, generally there is no inch to gallon rule in SW because the fish are so different....the only thing you can say is that each fish requires a LOT more space than a similar sized fish in freshwater.

The best guides for beginners in SW are probably listed in the SW stickies on how to set up a tank, a couple of books.

The bigger the better probably for her starting out. But some things do change between like a 20 gallon tank and a 75 gallon tank. SW is also VERY expensive even compared to a lot of planning is needed. The differences between thinking about things like cycling and stocking and filtration on Saltwater and Freshwater are significant...require lots of research.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
agree with froggy

Yes you do need live rock... but the only way I can think of making a tank simpler would be dont do a reef. No corals. Unless of course shes willing to do them.

If I was her Id go for the 75... personal expireince tells me I always wish I went bigger. Her stocking choices are so much better in a 75.

The basics are as you said, with a skimmer instead of filter. Saltwater aquariums really arent that difficult if you set it up right.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Realistically a 10 is good for 2 small fish, for a pair of clowns a goby and a.n.other a 20 is doable, though I'd prefer only 3 fish, and if you wat clowns, 5 or 6 chromis, a goby and a.n.other get a 55 or up.

I personally think SW tanks are not tricky. Have you read the sticky I posted at the top on how I set up my 'new tank'. There is a substantial upfront investment tho', but I don't know what you have in your garage/shed.