New tang in the house


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Got my first Yellow Tang today...sweet
Bought it medium size (3.5 inches) for 24 $ CDN wich is good were i am...but new house means new stress...
Not eating at all and discolored with round brown on the sides...he was a little like that at the store...they all were. Still he's much better here than where he cleaner shrimp jump on him to see what stuff she could get...but he looked clean and he liked the hitchiker .
One of my 2 yellowtail damsels was scared so she decided to go the the other damsel's territory...and the fights begun. Since they're 2 mini bully now...they just can't stop fighting....i had to close the lights to make them stop. One ate almost all of the tail of the other...i'm kinda sad 'cause they were my first fished and were until now, healthy, bigger and beautiful. I can't find a way to catch them. Anyone got an idea for a good diy trap ??

If i don't want them dead...i could put one in another tank and give it to someone later when the wounds are gone.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cut the end of a large coke bottle, or just cut out a hole of the right size. If you don't cut the entire end off, getting it out will be challenge.
I hope the tangs started eating. I also hope, as I assume no quarantine, you got him/her from a good source.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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55 gallons... the min size "allowed".
Couldn't find some Nori or dried algae ! Great...i love those stores. I gave him frozen spirulin mix with spinash and lettuce....he's crazy about it. It just noticed today with my lighting wich is better than the ridiculous 20 watts at the store that he was underfed. So finally, it wasn't a good source.

Anyways..he seems already more acclimated in only 24h and swims all around the tank...he is calm compared to yesterday and one of my damsel, who lost a fight is using him as a shield to protect her.

BTW...if i refer my fishes as "he" or "her" it's because in french, we don't use "it" a lot.


Large Fish
Oct 12, 2004
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CAUTION : Yellow Tangs are very suseptible to ick. Just make sure you watch it closely.

Im not saying its going to get ick just be aware. and Read the Kick the Ick post, also it is very informative.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Well he seems to graze the unwanted algae..but i don't have much. He like a little bit of frozen herbivore food and loves spirulin. He's still skinny, but not as much as he was when i bought him.

And yeah for the itch...after the third day, he scratched himself on a rock twice....and the Scarlet Skunk jumped on him while he was swimming. A week later, no apparent itch...and he's swimming everywhere.

His color is brighter every day.

I removed my foams from the 2 ac500 and i have little nitrates now :-( Maybe i overfed or the beneficial bacteria isn't strong enough ??

Anyone using Bio-Max ?