I just got back from this auction where "I wasn't planning on buying anything". I'll probably flub these names but I got neolamprologus brevis, lamprologus occelatus blue, julidochromis transcriptus gombi, lamprologus busheri Kashese, and juli. transcriptus kissi benga. I got outbid on the others I wanted (breeding pair of juli ornatus, more occelatus blues, occelatus gold, ornatus fry and juli. speciosus. oh well)
anyway I got these guys in q now. I got the busheris in with the brevises, with lots of shells in a 10. and the remaining occelatus golds in with gumbis in another 10. (I lost 2, ). in a 5 is the kissi bengs
I know nothing. about tanganykans. I should have done research but you know how auctions are. has anyone kept any of the above and can offer advice? I am probably going to make a 40 gallon with some glass I got, and put some of the above in there. with sand rocks and shells
suggestions? all fish are 1/2 = 3/4" with a few 1" busheris.
anyway I got these guys in q now. I got the busheris in with the brevises, with lots of shells in a 10. and the remaining occelatus golds in with gumbis in another 10. (I lost 2, ). in a 5 is the kissi bengs
I know nothing. about tanganykans. I should have done research but you know how auctions are. has anyone kept any of the above and can offer advice? I am probably going to make a 40 gallon with some glass I got, and put some of the above in there. with sand rocks and shells
suggestions? all fish are 1/2 = 3/4" with a few 1" busheris.