New Tank - 12g - Need ideas/suggestions

May 29, 2003
DC via Philly
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Hey all. I've been lurking here for about a month, and I wanted to get your feedback on my ideas.

I kept fish when I was younger, but just as a kid keeping goldfish (I'm 25). I've entered back into that realm of wanting to grab onto some things from my childhood I enjoyed doing, so I ordered an Eclipse System 12 from (actually got it quite less than retail) because one of the things I've never been too sure about as a beginner is making sure my filters/pumps/etc all were the right size. I also can't go much higher than 12 gallon because I'm moving into a townhouse in a few months. Not to mention I've read the Eclipse systems are pretty good. Anyway, this also means I'm not actually buying fish until about August, so there isn't a hurry. Plenty of time for planning. :)

I've read the 1 gallon = 1" of fish rule, so I'm staying by it.

Here's my current list of "wish list" fish, if you will...

1 dwarf gourami
1 cory
then either 4 zebra danios or 4 tetras. I think going by the above rule, that's about all I can put into a 12g.

Anyone have other ideas? Or how would you maximize a 12 to the fullest? I'm looking for a good natural cleaner and plenty of activity. I'm not looking to have a planted system, but will probably be adding rocks and driftwood for landscape.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I think that sounds like a good plan...although I don't know much about how gouramis and danios get along...I would think they do ok together.

Have you decided whether you're going to do a fishless or fish-in cycle yet? It would work out well to cycle with the 4 danios and then add the other fish if you were planning on a fish-in cycle.

Tetras would add some color to the tank...
Danios are always active and hardy (and my personal favorite haha)
I don't have any corys or gouramis but I hear the corys are entertaining little buggers.

As you mentioned you have plenty of time to think about it...but I think your plan is good, and with those fish I think the 12 would be well stocked.

May 29, 2003
DC via Philly
Visit site
I was planning on the fish-in cycle, and that's kinda why I picked a bunch of hardy fish like the danios.

I picked the other ones not really out of my overwhelming choice, I just see people have a lot of them. The gourami is probably the one fish out of the bunch that I'd consider swapping for something else that'd be more friendly to the others, obviously. If something else likes danios better, I'm open for ideas.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Corys like to be in groups - consider 2 or 3. Much happier. With a 12, I'd go for schooling fish vs a large fish like a gourami. Danios are neat fish. Tiger barbs, other small tetras, glass catfish, black neons, or mollies are all on the small side and are peaceful. I've had a nasty gourami that went back to the store and it's a big fish for such a small tank. Good luck and hope that helps.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Maybe you could trade the Gourami idea for another one or two of the schooling fish that you like? Also have you considered Harlequin rasboras...I hear they are hardy and also a bit more colorful than danios...but just as active. I am planning on getting some for my 10 gallon if it ever finishes cycling :)

OR if you really like the corys you could not get a gourami and get a couple of them instead like dana said.

OK did I just state the obvious? Sorry :)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
if you can find them, get some pygmy cories...i would for a tank that size

they only grow to one inch and are sooo cute, you could probably get a a group of 4 and still have room for other fish that you would want without overstocking



Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
My thoughts are why get one larger fish that might be less than happy all alone versus schools which are more active and interesting? I had severums, gouramis, and firemouths. After a major death strike, I've gone to schools and like them better. Is a gourami happy all alone?? Would he get along with a school? I think that for a 12 gal one would want to maximize the interest level. Clockwork.. check out They have a compatability calculator thingey.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
1) If you like dwarf gouramis Id get one, it would be fine in your tank. You have a great set up idea, for a 12 gal. Id go with: 1 dwarf gourami, 3 corys and 5 danios. That would stock it perfectly.
2) lol, I love your avatar :D