Hey all. I've been lurking here for about a month, and I wanted to get your feedback on my ideas.
I kept fish when I was younger, but just as a kid keeping goldfish (I'm 25). I've entered back into that realm of wanting to grab onto some things from my childhood I enjoyed doing, so I ordered an Eclipse System 12 from petsmart.com (actually got it quite less than retail) because one of the things I've never been too sure about as a beginner is making sure my filters/pumps/etc all were the right size. I also can't go much higher than 12 gallon because I'm moving into a townhouse in a few months. Not to mention I've read the Eclipse systems are pretty good. Anyway, this also means I'm not actually buying fish until about August, so there isn't a hurry. Plenty of time for planning.
I've read the 1 gallon = 1" of fish rule, so I'm staying by it.
Here's my current list of "wish list" fish, if you will...
1 dwarf gourami
1 cory
then either 4 zebra danios or 4 tetras. I think going by the above rule, that's about all I can put into a 12g.
Anyone have other ideas? Or how would you maximize a 12 to the fullest? I'm looking for a good natural cleaner and plenty of activity. I'm not looking to have a planted system, but will probably be adding rocks and driftwood for landscape.
Thanks for your thoughts.
I kept fish when I was younger, but just as a kid keeping goldfish (I'm 25). I've entered back into that realm of wanting to grab onto some things from my childhood I enjoyed doing, so I ordered an Eclipse System 12 from petsmart.com (actually got it quite less than retail) because one of the things I've never been too sure about as a beginner is making sure my filters/pumps/etc all were the right size. I also can't go much higher than 12 gallon because I'm moving into a townhouse in a few months. Not to mention I've read the Eclipse systems are pretty good. Anyway, this also means I'm not actually buying fish until about August, so there isn't a hurry. Plenty of time for planning.
I've read the 1 gallon = 1" of fish rule, so I'm staying by it.
Here's my current list of "wish list" fish, if you will...
1 dwarf gourami
1 cory
then either 4 zebra danios or 4 tetras. I think going by the above rule, that's about all I can put into a 12g.
Anyone have other ideas? Or how would you maximize a 12 to the fullest? I'm looking for a good natural cleaner and plenty of activity. I'm not looking to have a planted system, but will probably be adding rocks and driftwood for landscape.
Thanks for your thoughts.