New tank and hope...


Large Fish
Oct 3, 2003
Hello all. Recently I aquired a 55 gallon. I set it up with a fishless cycle(went really well). I fell in love with Parrots(BPs to be exact). So I did a lot of reading and In my 55 gallon I have 2 natural color, grey juviniel BPs and 1 small Pl*co.
I know the only sure fire way to sex your BPs is to wait and see if you end up with courting behaviour or eggs or just plain obvious things.
But so far I note one is slightly bigger than the other and the bigger one has dug a pit in its cave. The big one dose not hate the little one, but dosen't like to share its cave. The big one will eat and swim with little one, just not share the cave.(I have another cave in the tank for the little one) Both fish could care less what the Pl*co dose. In fact they seem to like him!!:D
So I'm wondering could this be a sighn that my BPs are both male or both female. What do you think??
(Sorry 'bout any bad spelling)


Large Fish
Oct 3, 2003

Well. cool!! One dose look to have more of spikey mowhawk...maybe I got lucky! Thank you kool_sk8a! And thank you Cichlid-man. I did know that most males are sterile. However if I could sex them correctly I had hope to buy eaither whats referred to as a 'jelly bean'(non-dyed ofcourse) or perhaps another closely related cichlid to spawn them with. The Jelly beans are easy to sex and thought to be a cross with a BP from what I hear anyway. I just have hope to have at least 1 sucsess. I think they sound like awsome parents and my kids would love it.