NEW TANK, baby!!! Finally, hope for aggresives


Small Fish
May 4, 2006
You have all been so much help, thanks!

I finally got a larger tank, picking it up today! 75g!!! *SUNSMILE*
Sooooo, You see the signature below, recomendations? Actually, update first. The 15g seems to be very happy. Those fish just do their thing, not a care in the world. The firemouth, growing ever so slowly, if at all. Lost all signs of aggression with the passing of his convict tankmate. So I would almost hate to disturb the magic their.

So, the JD, and the other convict (who has out grown the JD!) Need the big space for sure. I know this is open ended and the possibilities are endless,

BUT, can I put a school in the 75g with the convict and JD? I have some room now. Can an Angel survive with the convict around?

*twirlysmi beside myself,


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Congrats on the larger tank!!

I do ever so recommend you put that firemouth in there too. Having them a little cramped in a larger tank is much better than having them crammed in a tank that is way too small.

Have you ever seen a full grown firemouth? They get way too big for a 15, that and the fact that you say he is growing slowly..Not good. Judging by the rate mine grew and the tank yours is in he is probably stunting. Mine grew VERY fast in a 90.

This is what a 6 inch full grown one looks like.


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
Man, Firemouths are cool...

I can already tell that I'm going to need a second tank not too long after I get my first tank set up - and a species tank of Firemouths is a strong contender (though likely trailing a species tank of Brichardis at this point).


Small Fish
May 4, 2006
Nice Pic of the firemouth PURE. Although my firemouth holds a very special place...My JD has some amazing tourquoise scaling and a sharp red tipped dorsal, turns charcoal black and turns pale green/grey, He dances like a dog when I walk in the a puppy really...not quite as majestic looking as the firemouth, but what a cool fish.

Anyway....can I put something in there with them in the 75g?