New Tank but Will it work


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Basingstoke, hants , UK
ok at the mo i have a 20G Long And i Looking Around for a Bigger Tank not Sure as to what Size but I'll let you all know in due time.
ok my question to you is the space i would but this New Tank would be in my Alcove in my Bed Room the Alcove is
Deep = 64.5cm
Wide = 160 cm
Tall = 230cm
now im building a Wardrobe for this space! say Around 120cm high! if i was to make the frame for this It Would make this douple up as a stand for the tank! (hope you got the picture in you head) now i would be making a standard box frame say like the standard metal Frames but it would be made from Wood say 4X2 or 4X4 it would have a middle support and one either side (screwed to walls includign back support)) with a good bit of hard wood for the top. And Door on front would this hold the weight or would i need more support as if you think the tank would not be the width of the Frame meaning it would be resting manly on the middle strut!
(hope i havent lost you) any way would this hold or would i be best to devide the gape in to three