New tank cycling question


New Fish
Oct 29, 2007
I'm looking for some advice. I recently set up a new 30 gal freshwater tank and I'm currently trying to cycle it. Initially I bought / used stress zyme before I read a lot of negative posts about it. After reading the posts I bought some pure ammonia and added enough to bring the level up to 5ppm and have continued to add that amount daily. It has been over a week now and the nitrite levels are still zero but it appears I'm starting to get a little color on the nitrate test strip??? The tank is at roughly 85 degrees and I have a filter running in it. Everything I read says the nitrite levels should start to rise in a few days. Should I just relax and wait longer or is there something I'm doing wrong? The only thing I can think of is I have too much ammonia since the green color on the test strip doesn't come close to matching the color chart on the bottle.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Don't keep adding ammonia if the ammonia level isn't going down. Just make sure the level is at 5 ppm every morning, and add more if it isn't. You will need to do some big water changes to get the ammonia back down to a reasonable level.

Other than that, you're doing just fine. Keep the faith. ;)



New Fish
Oct 29, 2007
Thanks for the help. I should have mentioned that I did use the dechlorinator. I'm going to do a large water change since I think my ammonia level is above 5ppm. It's really hard to tell with the test strips I bought. Guess I better pick up some new ones. Thanks again


New Fish
Oct 29, 2007
I picked up a liquid test kit and was surprised to find I was at 5ppm. The test strips I had are really bad. Anyway, now after 2 weeks I'm finally starting to see the Nitrate level increase (now at .2 ppm). Also included in the test kit is a pH test. Right now it's at 7.6. Is this a problem? Should I try to get it down to about 7.0? Thanks.