New Tank for Betta


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2003
Ontario, Canada
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I got one of those 3 gallon Eclipse hex tanks for 'Oscar" the betta. After a bit of adjusting, he's finally settlling down, tho I suspect the hex shape looks like a mirror inside because he is constantly flexing, where he has never done that in the past.

Should I get some kind of bottom feeder(s) for this tank, ti's only a 3 gallon as I mentioned, so there isn't a great deal of room. I don't want the gravel to get disgusting, as this tank will be hard to clean as well as his little bowl he's had for a year or s.? I dislike algea eaters, I think they are kind of creepy...what do you suggest? Or should I just leave him on his own


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Sandie, I would not suggest a bottom feeder at all. A 3gal is a great size, and you can get/build a tank divider if you want for a 2nd betta.

Get yourself a gravel vacume from your LFS. A small one is just fine, and you use it to clean-out the gravel as you do 3 litre (25%) water changes once a week (thats what I do). The vacume is basically a hose with a clear plastic tube on one end. You siphon out the water as your dig with the big end into the gravel to suck-out debris (old food/fish droppings) You can do this with your betta still in the tank.

Some people even do full water changes, rinsing out the gravel in the old tank water (to conserve bacteria) every few months in addition to the weekly water changes. Just put 'Oscar' in a clean (no detergent) glass or bowl with his old tank water while you clean, and watch out for him jumping out (they have been known to do that!) Never use detergents to clean your tank. I use a vinegar/water solution and rinse thoroughly.

As far as his 'Flexing' (we call it Flaring), my Finchy did the same thing in his hex, especially when the room is dark and the tank light is on, which causes a bigger reflection on the inside surface of the tank walls. I bet 'Oscar' is a Red betta, they tend to have more of a reflection than other colors.


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2003
Ontario, Canada
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Okay, on his own it is.

lol Iggy, I have a python for my two 30 gallons, so what you are telling me is NOT to use that right?????:D

Great Idea Iggy, about the divider, are they transparent tho? I can't recall ever seeing one, I think it would be stressful for two bettas, even tho they are separated, to be in the same tank if they can see each other....peeing contest and everything you know:rolleyes:

thanks again for the advice


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Sorry for the extended description, I did not know you had other fish so I was assuming you were a beginner. A python would not work on a 3gal ;) Just use your run-of-the-mill gravel vacume once a week.

Some dividers are transparnent, some look like while plastic grills. I made my own dividers (see my pics at:

Trust me, two males side by side would not stress them out. Almost all bettas are raised in side by side barracks. They will flare at each other, but they will figure out they cannot get at each other and they will calm down over time.


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2003
Ontario, Canada
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Great tanks Iggy!

I noticed you have underground filters in yours, but my hex is one of those all in one jobs (they were cheap, what can I say! lol) If I were to add a divider (easy to put in on hubby's 'hunny do' list) would the water filter okay on both sides?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Your filter should work on both sides fine, I made about 75 x 3/16" holes. Make a cardboard template first, then see if your tank hood has any notches you can use at the top. Also, make sure the divider goes above the water line and up against a lid if possible, to keep them from jumping from one side to the other (oh ya - it happens!)

The trick is to make sure the holes are big enough for easy water flow, but small enough so their heads and nose will not get stuck! I think the eclipse filter has an intake on the left, and drops the water on the right... so that should create enough current to move the water from one side to the other.

A 2' x 3' sheet of 3/16" (3mm) acrylic is about $14.00 at home depot, in the exterior renovation (door) area. Cut it with a jig-saw using a metal blade, use a variable speed drill for the holds so you can slow down the drill near the end of the hole, otherwise it tends to bite and pull the sheet up suddenly. Mark the holes accross, I did a 3/4" inch grid.