New tank ideas please :)


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
So, my goldfish went belly_up before I could move them into their new tank, which means I have an empty 29g awaiting fish. I'm torn between getting a small cichlid tank going, or trying out something with a ghost knife. I know I will likely upgrade their tank in the future, so I'm not really worried about fish that get "too" big in the future. I really like the electric blue rams also... Would that be ok with a ghost knife? What about the elephant nose fish? I'm looking to get contrast and color in my tank, any other suggestions? I'm open to rearranging the tank differently, and I would need to find appropriate cycling fish for a fish-in cycle (have the water going for a while, but not really cycled at this moment). I'm trying for something different from my other tanks.
Thanks again!


Small Fish
Mar 9, 2011
You might have fun looking into Rainbow fish. They are peaceful and colorful fish. Large groups of them can be kept together without any problems and they are a satisfactory community fish. 4 to 6 individuals is about the minimum since they prefer to school with one another. 10 or more of them are quite stunning. There are many color variations of this fish and they are super fun to watch and feed.

Keeping a at least a couple of males in the school will give your school of Rainbow fish more color since the males tend to show more color in an attempt to attract female attention.

Check these guys out!


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Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I'm almost positive that a ghost knife fish is not appropriate for a 29 gallon tank. As they grow quite large and require space. I believe the recommend minimum tank size is 70+ gallons. Same with the elephant nose fish....they require more than 29 gallons (50+ gallons).

Are you planning on moving any of your fish from the overstocked (stated in your signature) 29 gallon to the new 29 gallon? Because that would impact people's suggestions. I'm a big tetra fan because they come in a variety of colors, are peaceful, compatible with almost anything and they swim together!! You can't get much better than a tetra!! :p


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
The only fish I am thinking of moving over are the cats, and maybe the tetras. The others will be thined by rehoming to some friends.

I am willing and eager to upgrade to a larger tank in the semi-near future. We def. Have the space for it. Would the glass cats be an issue with the ghost knife? (I'm really bent on getting that knife fish it seems...)

I like the rainbow idea... going to look more into those at the lfs. And maybe put the knife idea on hold til I actually get the biger tank (waiting for the $1/gal sale at petco)...

Thanks again guys!


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
If you are really set on getting a ghost knife fish then I would wait until you can get a larger tank instead of trying to stuff the knife fish into a smaller's just not healthy for the fish. Knife fish in particular grow really fast! When I say they need 70+ gallons I mean that is the space for one knife fish alone.....they get big (like 18inchs) and require lots of room. When selecting tank-mates for knife fish you need to be aware that anything small enough to fit in there mouth is very likely to become food!! So I'm not sure about glass cats.

I strongly urge you to wait on the ghost knife fish!!