New tank ideas

Dec 20, 2007
North Lousiana
I have loved having my 10 gal tank way more than I thought. I've decided to get myself a 30 or 40 gal as well (freshwater). I'm open to any ideas on substrate, stocking, etc. I'm planning on getting the new tank asap so it can start cycling. So far all I've decided on is a cory or two. As far as decor I'm not sure. I was reading on another thread about sand instead of gravel and I'm considering going that route. Any ideas are appreciated!


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I believe they can be pretty aggressive but if you have a species specific tank with just cichilids in it they will be ok as long as you can mix and match the correct ones. I know they usually need a lot of rocks and places to hide. I agree with them though, I think that would make a great looking tank.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Not all cichlids are super aggressive. Some of the SA cichlids are very well mannered. If you took the apisto route you could add other fish besides cichlids. Its really what you like though. Although i think that African tanks look better.

Dec 20, 2007
North Lousiana
OK. Done some reading. Cichlids definately sound like a possibility. Some of them are so beautiful. Quick question: Can you mix the SA with African?

BTW, I found a 50 gal with the right width I was looking for. So I'm going with the 50 instead of 40. Approx how many cichlids can you stock with that size tank?


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
It all depends on which ones you choose. Some get larger then others, but the normal rule people go with is an inch per gallon so you should be able to fit 50 inches of fish in there. You just have to look up the size each fish will get as an adult.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
No its not a good idea to mix SA and African cichlids. Certain cichlids need a certain amount of space. For instance if you chose like electric yellow labs[african] then you could stock probably about 12-16. You will have to ask C-man for the exact stocking limit. Im not to good at that yet. It all depends on the type of fish u get. Got any ideas?

Dec 20, 2007
North Lousiana
Ok, I think I'm moving away from the cichlid idea. I've been doing alot of reading on them and it seems like they are so picky with pH. They like harder water as well correct? I have very soft water and would rather not have to change things all up. I just think ciclids are better for those who really know what they are doing. I'm still such a beginner.

A 46-50 gal will hold alot. My only ideas thus far is cory's and gouramis. I've seen alot of other stuff I like but don't know about compatibility. I still got some studying to do. I don't have the tank yet so I have plenty of time.
As far as substrate I'm thinking black gravel. I'm considering going with live plants. Again, gotta do some more research on plants.