New tank in the works

Oct 22, 2002
At the risk of sounding silly, there is a question which bears asking.  We are getting ready to set up a new tank, and have not actively dealt w/ aggressive fish in the past (intentionally that it, there was the dwarf puffer incident.)  The tank in question is a 38G and has multiple filter systems.  The question is, just to see if we're correct, how many fish will this hold comfortably?  We're talking about a UGF set up along with a 30-60G filter.

The next question is, what types of cichlids are recommended by those of you who are more experienced w/ them.  We have a couple of types in mind, but am not certain which direction to head.  We're not interested in Oscars yet, although perhaps at a later time when there is more experience under our collective belts.

Any assistance would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
i'm sorta in the same boat as u but i never kept any cichlids but am planin to set up a already running 30 gal tank for cichlids and moving the goldfishes into a 20 gal i'm working on... well i've done alot of reading about cichlids and i might try some lil firemouths, and jack dempsy they're gonna be pretty small and that'll probally give me enough time to get a larger tank as they grow bigger but check out the cichlid profiles on this site they do have some info on cichlids u might like
u can try a pair of convicts my friend bougt apair and a week later a whole bunch of frys swimming in his tank lol


Atlantic Fish

I am running a 35g with two hang on filters, and the stock looks like this,
1 Melanochromis Auratus, 1 Labidochromis Caeruleus Electric Yellow , 1 Labidochromis Perlmutt, 1 Pseudotropheus Estherae True red zebra, 2 Pelvicachromis Pulcher Kribensis, 1 Sail fin, 1 Labeo Bicolor.
They all get along great, except for the Labeo Bicolor, Im thinking of giving him to the LFS, he seems to drive the male Krib mad...They are all somewhat aggressive, but not to the point to harm one another, they donot destory each others fins or anything, just chasing and pushing each other around, very interesting to watch actually. Check out my tank,
and dont forget to sign my guest book and leave me some comments.  The big thing with cichlids, esp dwarf cichlids, is hiding space, lots of rock, caves, some plants are nice, overturned pots, that kind of stuff they swim in and out of all day long...Take it easy... ;)