New tank is cloudy after adding Bamboo

Sep 19, 2009
It should be said that I did not know about cycling a new tank untill about ten min before writing this. Bought a used tank from a co-worker of my wife. 10 Gal Us. Washed the tank out with vinegar and water rinsed well and dried. added gravel and water. went to the Pet store (PetCo) My wife fell in love with an underwater bamboo plant. we bought it and on the advice of an employee bought Jungle brand plant care water conditioning fizz tabs. followed directions on package and added one tab allowed it to disolve then added the bamboo from the store. installed the filter pump and found it was broken. removed it and left the tank over night. Got up this morning and realized the tank temp had dropped over night installed the heater we got with the tank. Went to Walmart and bought a new filter pump. followed the instructions and got it going and added Jungle brand Start Right conditioner at about 1:00p. at about 2p noticed the temp was about 85F removed the heater. at 5p temp was about 81F went out with some friends for dinner. When we got back the tank was cloudy. did some research online and learned about the cycle. reinstalled the heater and set it to the lowest setting.

is the cloudyness the start of the cycle? or is something else going on? is the bamboo safe during this time?

Thanks for the help!


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2009
I hear alot of mixed feelings on any tabs for tanks, I'd go with a liquid water conditioner and make sure you get a bucket to treat the water in before putting in the tank cause the chlorine will kill the good bacteria before it is nuetralized.

the high temp could have started a bloom that fast, not 100% sure though, does the heater have a thermastate on it? that seems very high, from what I know unless you have a tank of special fish that need really high temps. 79-81f is as high as you want to go.

and lastly, never ever listen to the person at the LFS (local fish store) they will say anything to sell something.