New Tank Mates

Feb 1, 2007
Hi all. I have added friends to tank over the weekend. i brought back my rainbow shark and got different fish. I now have the following:
4 Platys
2 Phantom Tetras
2 Glowlight Tetras
3 Guppies (1 died lastnight)

I am planning on getting 3 or 5 new guppies as I am almost positive that I have 3 male Guppies at the moment and I would like to match them up with females.

Anyone ant thought or opinions on my current situation?

Sep 11, 2005
Well the guppies will be constantly breeding, but I figure you know that already.

What size is the tank? As long as you have the room, these are all fish which should get one well together. However you might want to consider adding two more each of the tetras rather than 3-5 new guppies. Tetras will live happily in pairs or even singly - but to truly enjoy them for what they are, you should have at least 3 or 4 of them minimum.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
echoofformless said:
Well the guppies will be constantly breeding, but I figure you know that already.

What size is the tank? As long as you have the room, these are all fish which should get one well together. However you might want to consider adding two more each of the tetras rather than 3-5 new guppies. Tetras will live happily in pairs or even singly - but to truly enjoy them for what they are, you should have at least 3 or 4 of them minimum.

I agree, assuming you've got the tank size, I'd add to your Tetra schools, IME my Tetra (all varieties) seem to do best in schools of 4-5 and larger. But heck, maybe you've got a large tank and could add more guppies as well...What size tank is this?


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
littlejack said:
My tank is 25G in size. Would I be ok getting 2 more glowlight tetras, 2 more phantom tetras and 3 female guppies?
I would think that would be OK, for now... once them guppies start breeding (and boy will they) you'll quickly get too full, chances are good that some of those other fish will eat/kill the baby guppies, which is fine so long as your OK with that. But you may find yourself taking guppy fry out of there. My sister takes buckets of guppy fry to her LFS, they give her store credit (it's not much) and they use the guppy fry for feeders.

There are a few people on this site that breed guppy fry (and others) for feeders in their larger tanks, maybe some of them can chime in and give you some idea on the "numbers" you'll be dealing with.

A note, your Platies may also breed (assuming you've got males and females) but keeping up with platy fry is easier than guppy fry IME.

Sep 11, 2005
Is the tank planted? I suggest that everyone get a few plants into their tanks. The difference in the fishes' vitality, colors, etc are so drastic once there are plants. Plus you will have more chance for success with raising any fry since they'll have good hiding places. And you can also stock a tank a little more when you have plants since they assist in the biofiltration - both by their own utilization of wastes in the water column and also because they are additional surface for nitrifying bacteria.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
personally i would say maybe just work on your tetra schools and not go with female guppies. guppies breed like rats and platys are next to them on that.
then maybe after the tetra schools you could add a bottom feeder or something.

btw, what other fish do you have in the tank other than these guys?