New Tank, Need Some Help


Large Fish
Nov 5, 2006
Daytona Beach, FL
Ok so ive had my two turtles for about 4 months and i recently decided to buy a ten gallon tank to replace the 2 gallon because they are getting bigger.
I got the tank and then decided to put fish in it. then, just two days ago i got two bettas, a male and a female, and put them in the 2 gallon.
now the questions.

Im getting a hexagon tank, it doesnt really help that i forgot what size it was(it was either 10 or 5 gallons). Im going to put the female betta and the gourami in it for sure but what other fish should i put in there.

And i also want to get another fish. Any suggestions of what i should get.

thanks in advance to anyone who stops buy and leaves some advice.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
I think you're gonna need some bigger tanks.... ;)

First, the sliders will be very likely to eat your fish once they're big enough.

Second, your tank is severely overstocked with incompatible residents, several of which should not be in a 10 gallon, unfortunately:

Goldfish need room and lots of it. Also cooler water than some of the other species you're looking at.

If your cory is a Corydoras paleatus (usually commonly called peppered cories), they ~can~ share a tank with goldies tho their spines (in their pectoral and dorsal fins) can be trouble. They much prefer being in groups of at least 5 or so -- they also get too large for a 10 gallon.

Your tetra also would be happier in a group. He would be fine to build a small school and keep in a 10 gallon with the dwarf gourami as the centerpiece fish.

The pleco also should not be in a 10 gallon. They can grow quite large and are very messy fish.

Watch your bettas closely for signs of aggression. Even tho one is a female, not every male betta (and some females) will see her as a non-threat or potential combatant. If they get along ~too~ well, males can be pretty abusive towards their mates during and after any breeding. Each fish is an individual but I wanted to give you a heads up.

Another concern I have is that you added to the stock quite rapidly. Has the tank been cycled? Have you been doing regular water tests?


Large Fish
Nov 5, 2006
Daytona Beach, FL
ok well im very sad to say that ater a week o having it, the gourami got eaten by the turtles. i expected that they would eat one or two o the fish, and thats why i got some 29 cent gold fish that were fairly tiny. Well i get size doesnt matter with my turtles cause they went for the 2 inch gourami. The cory cat, surprisingly, loves the environment hes in. hes very active and plays tag with the goldish. i might put him in his own tank, and get him some cory riends though anyways. The tetra as well has been eaten. i half expected this though. hes small, and didnt really move fast. The pleco, when he gets big enough, i might just put him in his own, larger tank with maybe a small school of some sort. When i get my new tank im going to just leave the goldfish and the pleco with the turtles, until the pleco gets bigger, and use the new tank or the small school o corys and one other ish which could have been the gourami but not anymore. unless i get a new one.

as or water tests.....uuhh. .... well no. i dont have any test stuff(i will soon i know i should hvae it already). I have been doing daily water changes of 25-50%. someone told me that should help with the amount of amonia levels i probably have.

ok well anyother advice..?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It sounds to me like you need to do some more research on how to correctly house your red eared sliders. Adult females need a 120g tank. Turtles produce a huge amount of waste, which makes conditions for fish with them very poor. It would be much better for the creatures in your care if you housed the fish in their own tank and the turtles in a nice, large tank that has the right conditions for them. This site says that turtles need 10g of water for each inch of turtle, so I would recommend you start saving for a large tank: Red Ear Slider :: Welcome