New Tank Plans


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2003
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After much deliberation, and much thought ive decided with my new 20 gallon that im going to transfer everything from the ten into the twenty (and i mean everything, fish gravel, plants, frog, shrimp, everything); and turn the ten into a tiny nano-reef.

Any suggestions or tips you guys can offer in moving my fish, my gravel, or anything else? It would be greatly appreciated as im doing it tomorrow.


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Bag the fish, shrimp, frogs, and then drain your 10gal water into your 20gal. add 10 more gallons to your 20gal and make sure you add water conditioner. This will be like a 50% water change.

Next take and move the filters and heater media to the new 20gal. Next add the rocks and decoy from the 10gal to your20gal and wait about 15 min for the temp to adjust and and the cloudyness to calm itself from your dirty gravel. Next float the bags for 15 min while adding small amounts of water from the new 20gal to the bags and then let them into their new home!

Thats how i would do it anyways


Oct 22, 2002
Slacker, you realize that nanos are incredibly difficult and require tons and tons of know how correct? I can't stress enough that if you dont have any reef experience this is absolutly not the way to get into the hobby.


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2003
Visit site
I setup the way you described. But im keeping most of the decoration (including gravel) in the old tank for quarantine and a baby fish tank. I added 20% water change from the old and put it into the new. I added a small amount of biozyme (beneficial bacteria) and just a little bit ago I placed one of my female mollies into the tank. Shes doing great, just had her first meal in the new tank. Ate it all.

So the twenty now has Brown gravel, one of the sprouting bulbs from my previous tank, some of the old tanks water, a small powerhead, no filter till I know the water is safe in the new tank. Once I know the new tank is safe, im putting the rest of the fish in and putting the old heater and filter in, along with the rest of my stuff, leaving the babies (3 alive, i think the female dropped more at a later time) in the old tank with the previous gravel and plants.