new tank question

zoo minsi

Large Fish
Jan 8, 2005
Visit site
well i recently picked up a new 75 gallon tank, and i decided that im going to make it a Malawian Cichlid tank. My question is about how many should i put in the tank to keep aggression down? i understand about sligghtly overstocking but dont know how much. I'm planing on using eco-complete cichlid substrate and lots of large rock to make caves all over. Im just unsure of how many to put in. Any help would be greatly appreciatted.


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
What particular malawi cichlids do you plan to get? (there are haps, mbuna and peacocks).

Assuming you mean mbuna you could probably stock 12-20 in a 75-gal. Overstocked would probably be 20-24. You don't necessarily have to overstock to manage aggression, but it is an option (just look down at the aggressive 75-gal set up in my signature).

What particular species do you have in mind? If you fishless cycle (using ammonia), you could grow your bacteria colony to support that number of fish prior to adding them (this will allow you to add them to the tank all at once without risking an ammonia spike). This method will take about 6 weeks (more or less) to accomplish (I personally think the end result is worth it). You could speed up the process with seeded bio-media in your filters.

Alternatively you could start with a small group of mbuna (I still recommend using the established bio-media to avoid dealing with cycling issues), adding the less aggressive species first, and introducing the more aggressive ones last (also add them in groups of four or more, because established mbuna usually regard new mbuna as intruders and deal with them accordingly...adding several at a time and the aggressive one's last will assist in developing a manageable tank as far as aggression goes).

If this is your first african cichlid tank you might want to initially go with less aggressive cichlids like yellow labs and acei.

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zoo minsi

Large Fish
Jan 8, 2005
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well my plan is a fishless cycle ill set up the filter on my 55 for a while to get it going b4 i transfer it over and also seed the tank with some gravel from my 55. as for the fis im thinking yello labs, red zebras, electric blues, acei and aalbinos. I'm not saying i will have all these types but there the ones im thinking about. What do you think? and thanks for the info.


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
Those species should all be compatible with each other (although an albino can be any species lacking pigmentation). There are a number of fish that have the common name 'electric blue' (electric blue johanni, electric blue hap/ahli, etc).

The s. fryeri ('electric blue ahli') might end up being kind of large for a 55-gal (they're open water carnivores and get up to 7"), I'm guessing you're considering the johanni which is a mbuna.

zoo minsi

Large Fish
Jan 8, 2005
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kay-bee19 said:
The s. fryeri ('electric blue ahli') might end up being kind of large for a 55-gal (they're open water carnivores and get up to 7"), I'm guessing you're considering the johanni which is a mbuna.

sorry and yes your correct i was talking about a johanni, the albino i couldnt find the latin name so ill have to wait till i take a trip to the lfs to get that info. At the store there mixed together and called assorted african, im assuming since there mixed with yellow labs and rezebras and johannis that there a compatable type but dont know for sure. Also these arent going into a 55 they are going into a 75 (new tank). Also i was thinking maybe cobalt blues.


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
My first foray into cichlids I got the yellow labs (4) and I really don't think I could've made a better choice. I had a couple "Ps. Kenyii" in there and they were just bastards (pardon my language), had to return them to the lfs. Probably had a lot to do with the fact that I had six fish in a 29gal. (inexperienced beginner I am). Good luck with your tank, look forward to seeing what you ultimately decide and hearing how they work out!