New tank, sweet


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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Hey all, after having my current tank set up for over 2 years, I am moving and have decided to do a new tank. I am either going to go with a 37, 38 gallon or a 40 gallon breeder.
The dimensions on these are as follows
37 = 30x12x22
38 = 36X12X20
40 Breeder 36x18x16

Here is the issue, I am tempted to go with the 40 gallon breeder because of the added 6" in the length, but I am going to be using a single MH pendant as my only source of lighting for this tank. Because it is so shallow I was thinking a 150W pendant would do fine, or I could do something a little more beefy, but I am a little worried about the sideds of the tank not getting the light they need.

There are going to only be 4 fish in here, 1 watchman goby, 1 dwarf angel and my two clowns, the current inhabitants. Plus some of my corals, I am going to keep my Hammer and my other Euphylia, but will be getting rid of my mushroom rock(75+ shrooms!) and my sarco which is now unatractively huge, but is spliting on a weekly basis.

Other equipment will by my aqua-c skimmer, and 2 seio power heads plus a few others.

just putting this out there to see what you guys thought.


Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Hey aresgod is this the tank you are going to put up against mine...? Sound like I will have some good competition!!!

I can't wait to see your new set-up as it progresses... hope you will have pictures for us to all enjoy as you go through the set-up stages.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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certainly, It will be going up over the next month, and I will gradually be transfering everything I am keeping from the current tank to the new tank in Boston.

Any opinions on any of those tanks?


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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I have a 40 long and a 90, the 90 is staying where it is and someone else is taking it over ( we will see how that works out!) and the 40 long is getting broken down into the 40 Breeder. Moving gradually over the next month.