new tank tips

Feb 9, 2007
Hello all,

I just purchased a tank and stand 30 g
I have an aqua clear 50g filter argonite sand and a stealth heater. When should I add some live rock and what are some suggestions for a new comer.



Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska

My first suggestion, cuz you're gonna get told this a bazillion times, is to check out the stickies in the forum for salt tanks.

They have TONS of info on there, and will help guide you through the process.....

Plus......the salt people on here really know their stuff...

side note......if you're doing a saltwater tank, which...I am assuming you are....the filter is basically going to become obsolete for you.....I have one on my tank with nothing in it, just for water movement.....Invest in some powerheads for water movement....and, depending what you're planning to put in there.....a skimmer.

You could plunk in some rock in right away to begin the long...yet rewarding process of starting a saltwater tank.

IME, I started off small..........and it's worked really great for me.

But..I am in no way an expert......

best of luck...

Well you came to the RIGHT PLACE...Welcome.....

The first thing ya want to do is start out right..VERY FIRST thing you should do is read the stickies in here about setting up and starting a SW tank....


You will find a ton of info on here plus alot of SMART FRIENDLY People to walk you thru this. GOOD LUCK!!!!!*celebrate

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
your ready for rock as soon as u get it filled up with sw...i suggest adding all yur rock at once and then give it about a month or so until adding anything else and u should be fine ;)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well I am assuming you have read the stickies...and done all your homework research on how to set up a saltwater aquarium..and now you are getting the water ready......which consists of 30-40 gallons of ro/di water. NOT tap water unless you have checked it and it has a 0-5 tds and zero for any ammonia, etc......once you have the water mix it in a clean (never used for any other purpose garbage can with salt mix, numerous pros & cons on the brand but most is 1/2 c for each gallon, measure the sg of the saltwater with a hydrometer or refractomer to get approx 1.024-1.026. Mix this and run a powerhead in it along with the heater for 24hrs. Next day you can fill your tank with the water....go and buy your live rock and hopefully it is pre-cured.....and then place your live rock directly on the bottom (no sand at this point) position your rock steady and plan out your aquascape.....once set up you can then add your sand around the rock....this will help stabilize the rock your heater/powerheads and check your water flow patterns to ensure no dead spots. At this point and going forward you will want to check your ammonia levels and ph daily. If using pre-cured rock you may only get a small ammonia spike but watch for the ammonia to rise and peak.....then drop. Once it starts to drop start measuring for nitrites.....which will rise then fall......when everything is testing zero you should be ready to go with a cleanup crew ......any time through this process check here and we will guide you with good positive feedback and advice. We have all been where you are


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
nice ... i take it you already added yur rock?*crazysmil ...u guna put a backround??? also what kind of lighting do u have?? do you plan fowlr or a reef setup??

Feb 9, 2007
My tank

I just added my rock this evening. I upgraded to a 3' light not sure of the brand. I am not sure of tank type yet. I want a tank that is easy since this is my first one. I am not sure of a background. I will take any suggestions though.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
IMO defintly go with a bacKround make a huge differance ... since u r new to the hobby id start off as a fowlr tank (fish only with liverock) and as long as the fish u choose to put in there are reef safe than you can always upgrade the lighting down the road and start adding corals ;)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Yes definitely go with fowlr for now. Watch your levels and your cycle. You will probably need more rock later and if and when you do make sure that you only add fully cured rock from here on out. Have you started plans for what type of fish you want?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
somenewfish said:
I am going to start of with some damsels for a while. I am going to get reef safe fish that way when I get some reef I wont have to change out my fish.
There's really no reason to get any fish "for a while." Once your tank is fully cycled you should be able to slowly add the fish you want. Damsels are reef safe, but not generally friendly tankmates.

How many pounds of live rock do you have in there?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
They don't call them damnsels for nothing.....

and once they establish themselves they are extremely territorial and you will have a devil of a time getting them out .....bide your time and add what you want to end up with but slowly


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea in my 125 gallon i now have a huge 3 inch damsel (who was tiny when i got him) and hes impossible to caught not that if i caught him id know what to do with him ...not to mention he picks on every new addition