New tank what do think???


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
In my old 29 gallon I had gravel substrate, plastic plants and rocks and caves. The fish included 1 blood parrot, 2 firemouths, a minnow, and 1 plecostomus.

I decided I was getting tired of my cichlids so I gave them to a friend to put in her 55 at work. She has a better place for them anyways.

Yesterday I went to lfs and they were having a sale. They have the most awsome prices anyways so this made it even better. I bought 2 flagfish for 99 cents each, and 2 cory cats. I think they are julii but I am not sure. They have spots all over and are so adorable. And I also bought a batch of floating plants for 1.99 there were about 3 bunches in there. I'm not sure what kinda plant they are but she said they would take off in no time and cover the top. Real plants are so much more beautiful than those fake ones. ;D

So now my tank is consisting of 2 juhlii corys, 2 flagfish, 2 minnow, and 1 plecostomus. It has floating plants and rocks. It also has 2 plastic plants that look real the fake looking ones I threw out. I want to get some flourite and start a planted tank soon. I am in love with these floating plants.

Another question I have is what do the flagfish eat? They have been nibbling on the plants but won't eat the flakes only the minnow eats thoes now. I have some blood worms and brine shrimp. Also what do the cory prefer? They kinda ate some of the flakes that dropped. is that enough? Thanks for any input. Tell me what you think. ;D


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well then they'll kill themselves by overeating! hehe. I have a lot on the glass. I thought 99 cents was a good deal but I wasn't sure. They have their fish really cheap. I love it there. And she gave me a male and a female so maybe when they get bigger they will breed. And she gave me a male and female cory. ;D


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I love those little cories. They are kinda shy though. I'm gonna try and get more when money comes my way! I have everything you mentioned but the other fish will eat it first! I'm getting rid of them tommorrow though so they can all wait. Cichlids are gone, flagfish and cories are in. ;D


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Okay I have another update. This is so cool... having money to spend on my tank that is. ;D

Today I bought a skunk cory. He is kinda shy and hasn't really hung around the others yet. He is making his way though.

I also bought 3 live plants! This is the coolest part. I just have them in gravel but she said that would be fine for them. I can't remember what they are though. I'm gonna get some more corys tommorow and I'll ask her then. One is purpleish and is kinda low but gets bigger. It's leaves are thick and kinda turn under. The other is very hardy she said and it kinda looks like a hosta if you know what those look like. And the other one well I don't know how to describe it. I think it's on the plant profiles I'll check and let you know. These are the most awsome things I've ever had! I'm so excited they look absoulutely awsome. I'm getting more when I find out how they do. I also have a piece of driftwood and a wood cave. Some rocks also and I took one of my larger floating plants and put gravel in the middle. Do you think it's okay to be at the bottom with the rest? I think it will since it's roots are in the water. It keeps getting in the current of the filter and it's leaves are comming off so I guess it should be fine down there. ;D What do you think? :D


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Barb yes I have my siphon. I have for about 3 months now. It's great. I did a full water change yesterday and the water looked horrible so did a 50% today. It looks great now. §orry I forgot this on the first post. ;D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
southern Ohio
I think im going to sell the gourmis, rams, and my rainbow fish that inhabit my 40 gallon tank, and turn it into a planted tank.  I dont think I want to tackle that much flourite in the 130 gallon that I want to get!  I also have 2 glass cats *really cool fish* and 2 cory cats in there......maybe I'll put them in my guppy tank???

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002

I dont know what to tell you on the floating plant...find out what it is, but I assume it should be on the surface, not substrate.

Get some Jobe plant sticks or Plant food spikes(Garden basics) at your local flower or department store.
Mine are 13-4-5(13 nitrogen- 4 phosphate- 5 Potash)

They will help your plants out. I put one once a month under the plants. If you get money Root Tabs +iron would be nice as well for swords you may want.

I dont think you need it right now, but the more plants you have the more you might want a mineral addition..but dont worry about that yet. My 55 does fine with out the liquids.

You will see, if you increase your lighting with a cheappy strip light at a department store, you'll have greater results, again something to think about. Or, save for an all glass hood with an additional strip made for aquariums.  ;)


I just picked up Schultz Muti purpose soil conditioner(#25 for $ 7.50) It is what I want to redo my other 30 gallon with for my plant clippings . I am going to weight it down with an inch or 2 of gravel. Just a thought to throw at ya.

This is turning in into a plant section comment..sorry. 8)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
That's okay it's still about my tank ;D I just put them in today and I will get those tabs if I can find them. :D Thanks. I will still try and find out what all of these plants are called. ;D I need to check the plant profiles. I can't say how much better these look than plastic plants it is absoulutly great! I love this. Plastic sux real rules! How could you guys no tell me this earlier? ;D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
'Lo y'all
Ok, I got here late, so bear with me.
Ryan, I can't believe you got flagfish for .99 apiece!  :eek:  You can't find them down here at all.  They like to eat alge (esp. that annoying thread type) and/or your plants, so I'd feed 'em alge disks, zuccinni, and the like. They probably won't go after the alge on the glass; that sounds like the type the otos love.  You can find more info at  I think MaleRubyBarb is right.  I know this is going to break your heart, but you want to go get more corys. ;D  They're better off in packs.  Your low purpleish plant sounds like a crypto wentii red, your "hosta" is either a melon sword or an annubias I'm guessing its a sword 'cuz annubias cost big bucks, but then again, you did get those Flagfish at an indecent price.  If you have trouble your plants, go to the Arizona Gardens or Tropica web sight.
Franky, why do you want to sell off your fish (esp. the rainbows???)?  Are you short on cash? The fish will LOVE you if you plant out your tank.  My Gouramis love "resting" on the leaves of my aponogetons.  You don't have to have one or the other.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Very true scrimman, My 55 gal was up for years before I started putting some anacharis in. Then I went to swords. slowly all the plastic plants were takin out.

Ryan, do you have a walmart near you? That where I got my plant spikes. 88 cents for 24. You may ony have to put 1/2 a stick in until they get bigger.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Scrimman that "hostta" like plant only cost $1.99 and I got the flagfish at another store. We now have two. ;D Yes I'm going to get some more corys. The one I bought yesterday from the store which I got the plants is getting lonely. He's a skunk and the others are julii's I'm gonna get 3 more juliis and 3 more skunks. They are the cutest fish! The store which I got the flagfish from also has australian rainbows. I have always heard if you have the chance get them. They are on sale for $1 and I'm sure that's good too. This store is called Rhodes. For my sake that's what we'll call it. Rhodes just opened and that's where I got my floating plants too. what is so special about these australian rainbows? I'm not sure which ones they are I just saw them on the board where the fish prices are. Are they rare too? I need more fish now that I have started over.

Barb yes I do have a wal-mart near me. They are the worst on fish >:( Horrid people! BURN Nah not that bad. ;D What are those things called again Barb?? Thanks for the help all.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You have to remember that there are lots of different types of rainbowfish, as well as some cross-breeds that look, well, very plain (read ugly as hell).  I've read that some breeders didn't pay attention to what they threw into the tank to breed, and instead of getting lots of beautiful Rainbows they got mud with fins.
Go to and there's all sorts of info on them.  My personal favs are the Praecox and the Bosemani.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002

My lfs has a tank with ssorted rainbows. They are the "not so pretty "ones. Like $2.50 to $3.00.
  The nice ones are in the $7 to 8 range, sometimes a lot higher.
  I was going to get a ugly one, just because from past expierence the fish may not be happy, and not showing its true colors. Take a cherry barb for example. Who would have thought  the little beauty of a fish I have, was once an ugly brownish fish. I am sure you are right about the bad breeding practices, but sometimes, that wittle ugwy fishy needs some love.... :'(...and then the real deal comes out. ;)

Ryan...scroll up dude to see what they are called again...sheesh ::)..haha got ya.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well I know what they are I was just wondering what name brand to get. The plants are still looking great! I love them. Sorry I'm so retarded.  :-/ So does anyone think they can answer my question. Is there anything so "special" about the rainbow fish? Or are they just another fish. ;D

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
They are made by "Garden Basics"

Rainbowfish are so pretty. I dont know exactly what you mean by "special".

What makes a discus "special"? Its colors? Beauty?

Rainbows can be very pretty. Lots of different ones too.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yep, Rainbows are brilliant.  There's an LFS in my area which sells them for $8 apiece (more than what the wife'll let me spend) and I drool constantly when I go there for my Friday pilgrimages.
The Bosemani Rainbowfish is a fish that's sort of split in half.  The front end is a grayish blue, and the back is a brilliant red/orange.  The males will "flash" their colors when they're feeling naughty.:eek: ;D
The Praecox (or Dwarf) is a brilliant metalic blue, like the blue on a neon tetra, with either yellow or red fins.
There're lots of others too.
Really cool!