New tank what kind of filter?


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
well i have 50 dollars i know thats not alot... but ill have more soon when my friend pays me for my other pc... thats nouther 100 i can spend... i have a empty 30g tank(not sure exact size but thats what my step father guessed it was) and i was wondering what would be a good start up filter for it... i dont plan on buyin fish for a little while as i plan on doing the "fishless cycle" but i wanna have it set up really nice also im not sure how big the tank is but when it gets to my house ill post up measurements... if i can fit it on my very sturdy heavy dresser i plan on putting it on that... um but well beh... what kind of filter lol... oh and theres a few other fish shops near me but im just wondering if u can post stuff off of petco so i get a feel for what i am looking for thanx...

DclownD noobie wanna be fish lover