New Tank With A Foam Issue...need input plz

Nov 2, 2008
I've recently setup a 20 gallon tank with an UG filter being run by a power head....I've run this setup in the past and never had an issue. But i setup the tank up 5 days ago with all new gravel, thermostat, piping, and fake plants. Everything was well cleaned and boiled before use. The issue I've found is that my tank top is covered in a bubble foam. There are no fish or biologicals in the tank so I'm totally at a loss as to whats wrong. The water was a clean tap water from the spicket and I'm on city water. I've added DeCHLOR to remove chlorine and I've seen no change. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
Hmm I don't know about the soap. My girlfriend's little 3g tank has the same problem, but the bubbles don't cover the whole top. I think I read somewhere on this forum that it could be from any of the additives that you put in the water like the dechlorinator. Maybe someone could confirm...


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
yeah, if you're positive that its not soap, it could be that you added in too much dechlor. If you do a water change and don't put more dechlor in right away see if it does the same thing, and read the instructions on it again.


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
If your water company uses free chlorine to disinfect, then letting the water stand for 24 hours will allow the chlorine to go away. (you said no fish in there) I use a de-chlor agent when changing water because a couple of my tanks are big. If I had a small tank or two I'd let the water stand for a day or two because my local water company uses free chlorine.

If they are using chloramines then I can't say how long it would take. They stay in the water longer (that's why they use them) and the ammonia probably stays in even longer than that.

A call to you water company will tell you what they use.

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Nov 2, 2008
Well here in lies the issue with some of the suggestions.... I didn't ad the de-chlorination till after letting the tank run for 2 days prior.... I added it after to try and clear the foam. I never used any soap to clean the tank and it the foam tends to dissipate some not all but some if i leave the hood off open on the tank. I'd love to figure this one out because i have some very unhappy fish that r living in smaller temp tanks atm.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I hate to say it but maybe emptying it out and refilling it may be the best option at this point. Out of curiousity where did you clean the sink? It is possible for soap residue to stay in pots and pans and adhere to boiled/cooked items..the things you learn when your wife sells cookware.
Welcome to the tank.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Have you just tried a big water change? I'd probably do a big water change and see if it comes back. Even if you washed everything well there are always things on it. I wouldn't fret...I really wouldn't.


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
For what it's worth, I get a very small amount of foam right where the water pours back into the tank. When I say small I mean 3-4 inches across.

If I dip it out with a cup it comes back in a few minutes. That's when I do a partial water change. About once a week, 25%.

Sep 9, 2009
okay, im having the same problem. odd thing is that the small 3g tank i bought warned me in the instructions that this would happen. it has FAQ
"why are there bubbles on top of my tank?
This is generally a result of water imbalance. once your tank has cycled and its brought into balance, the bubbling should end. an aquarium usually takes a month or so to completely cycle, and during this time, make sure that the food for your fish isn't sitting on top of the bubbles where the fish can't get to it. another common cause for foaming is the decorative gravel that has not been rinsed as thoroughly as necessary to clean it completely."
underneath it is one about cloudy water and it says in bold text to not empty the tank and restart because of bacteria growth that would have to start over.

unfortunately im having the foaming problem, but its not ammonia imbalance which ive seen all over search engines because the foam goes away when it gets disturbed. so i just run the net through it and it clears up, but it keeps coming but. unfortunately ive lost two fish since the foam attack, however i can't be sure it was related...since the foam is not supposed to be harmful. I did add the dechlor before and the foam didn't show up for three days. i dont know but i need to find out if this is responsible for the poor fishes death or if one was sick and is killing the rest.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I'm guessing again, that it is too much dechlorinator/water conditioner. Some of the more gooey types like stress coat have a tendency to bubble. It isn't going to hurt anything...just see if they go away at the next water change when you don't add as much.

Sep 9, 2009
all better so far

I read some more on the topic and some suggested that it may be the dechlor chemicals that cause the foam. so i changed about 1/3 of the water out and mixed in much fewer drops to the new tab water hoping to balance the overchemicaled water. i even stirred it a little to mix the water faster for my fish. I cleaned out the rocks and then turned the air stone back on. so far i have no signs of bubbles or foam, but i will definitely post again if that comes up. anywho this looks like a solution so far.

**sorry i didn't see your reply before i put this...anyway it worked. thanks**