new tank with air stone producing too many bubbles

Jun 26, 2009
I just got a new 1 gallon tank for my daughter for her female Betta. It came with an air stone for the air tube. I added the recommended amount of condtitioner to our tap water, set up the tank, and ran it for 24 hours. When I got up this morning (this is before I even put the fish in there), the top of the water was covered in white tiny bubbles (foam-like) probably about a 1/2 inch thick layer and some foam was even coming out of the 2 top holes on the lid (used for feeding). When I take the lid off, the bubbles dissipate. I read several reviews about this 1 gallon tank, and no one mentioned anything about profuse bubbles forming. Everyone "loves it" for their bettas. I can't imagine I am doing anything too differently than others that have used this. I don't think it is realistic to have foam/bubbles coming out of the top of my tank, but my biggest concern would be for the fish. I literally would have to clear the bubbles every day with my fingers to create space for the fish food to reach the actual surface of the water. Any suggestions or possible causes? Is the pump too strong? Could it be the water conditioner? We use a water softener for our tap water. I'd like to make it work, but I am think I may have to try a different type of system or tank. Thanks in advance.


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2009
I've only ever had male bettas, so I'm not sure of the females' nesting habits, but I know that males will make "bubble nests" on the surface of the water in which to hold eggs. Still, what you're describing does sound a bit excessive, even for nests. I've also never had an air stone (I got one of the 2.5G All-Glass "betta bowls/goldfish tanks" from Petco and never installed the air pump and stone because every review said it was too much current for their betta), but it does seem a bit peculiar. I hear you can buy a flow control valve for pretty cheap (probably from your LFS) that you can splice into the line between the pump and check valve. As I say, I've no experience with air stones, but the aforementioned suggestion may work well for you. Good luck!


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
(I don't remember what I've read about water softeners -- it wasn't relevant to my situation -- but you might pick up a gallon of water -- not distilled -- to use for water change.) Are you sure you used the correct amount of dechlor? Too much will foam up on top.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Could be most likely from your conditioner. I would probebly do as Ravenstar said and get a flow control for the airstone. You could keep it off for now to see if it helps. Bettas will take air at the surface from that air.

Jun 26, 2009

Thanks for the fast responses! I turned the air pump off last night, and all the bubbles are gone, plus, it all started before I even put my fish int eh new tank, so I know it couldn't be bubbles for nesting. I think you guys are right...may be a combination of the strong air pump/stone and possibly the conditioner. I did the amount of conditioner recommended on the bottle, but I'm gonna head to the store and see what I can alter. I feel better at least knowing there are some thing I may be able to do about it.


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
I know this has been mentioned (I don't want to sound like a broken record), but I had a similar issue in my 10G tank. I purchased an air pump and a bubble bar. When I plugged the thing in for the first time I was surprised to see how strong the thing was. I tried adding a check valve and it didn't work, so I went back to my LFS and purchased a valve that is designed to split the air hose into three different ends (would that be a flow control?) This worked amazingly to cut the amount of airflow into the tank. Maybe it will work for you too.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I know this has been mentioned (I don't want to sound like a broken record), but I had a similar issue in my 10G tank. I purchased an air pump and a bubble bar. When I plugged the thing in for the first time I was surprised to see how strong the thing was. I tried adding a check valve and it didn't work, so I went back to my LFS and purchased a valve that is designed to split the air hose into three different ends (would that be a flow control?) This worked amazingly to cut the amount of airflow into the tank. Maybe it will work for you too.
This is just to note that bubble stones add minimal/NO airflow to the tank. It is merely aesthetics. In other words your tank will not gain oxygenation via bubblestones. Surface agitation such as a hang on back filter would provide aeration.

In your case you have a bettas which prefers still waters, and breathes from the surface. The airstone however will not bother the betta.