New Tank


New Fish
Sep 28, 2003
New York
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Hello all,

New to the saltwater tanks. My question is regarding cycling a tank, I reed enough to be more confused, so many people give different advise, So I found this site I though some would be able to help?

Tank is set-up and running for about 3 weeks now.
It is a 90-gallon with over flow.

Ph is maintained at 8.2.
I used some live rock, "cycle" and 10 damsels to get the cycling off to a good start. For the past week the ammonia is off the scaled around 8.2. The past two days the Nitrite is coming up to about 2.5 and over the past day the Nitrate is coming up to 15.

The question I have is, should the ammonia start coming down by now? I did loose 8 of the damsels, however two are ok. Do a perform a water change or change the foam pad in the filter as some suggest? Or do I leave it and let it run its coarse.

Thanks a head of time for the help.
