new tank

Oct 9, 2003
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i have had my 30 gallon tank now for 3 weeks and i already transfered my red tailed black shark to it and my bristlenose pleco. and now that there both settled i wanted to get some angelfish (as thats y i bought the bigger tank in the first place) and i was wondering how many angels would fit in with the 2 fish that are already there. i was thinking about 3-4 but i would appreciate a second opinion as i am no fish expert.


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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No, 4 is not good. Angels need at least 10g of water per fish. 4 angels=40g of water in a 30g tank. There are also territorial problems. If you end up with a pair, they will terrorize the other angels. If you get all males or all females they will fight.

My suggestion, get 1 angel or get a pair of angels. Don't just buy 2 angels and hope their a pair. Buy a true pair right from the store. I also love angels but have to settle for only 1 as there is nowhere here to buy a pair. Stupid AZ*crazysmil