New Tank!!!

Ok all,

I just joined and I have to say I absolutely love this site. I am still living under my parents roof but not for much longer at all. My girlfriend and I are finally getting a place of our own while we're in college. But anyhow, Between the both of us we have 2 puffer fish, 2 Jack Dempsey's, 1 Black Convict, and 1 Red Devil. My question to all you avid fish people out there is: What fish can I put into a 120 gallon fish tank? I know I want my Red Devil in there (it's just about 2-3" right now but I know how big they do get) besides the Red Devil what other fish can I put into a 120 gallon tank? Thanks in advance!


Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
In a 120 gal tank u can hv around 4-6 large cichlids, say like oscars, Jack dempseys, green terrors, texas. But with a devil i think none of these would fit in. A devil can capably take control over any tank mate. So i think u can hv devils in a group provided u groom them together from 3".
But fishes hv their own personalities especially cichlids. If u r lucky enough to hv a fairly peaceful devil then u can add JDs.
In general, if u're talking bout devil & others in a single tank, u're probably talking bout a vampire & a few people in a single room.