New Tank!


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2003
North Dallas, Texas
Visit site
I got a new tank...

its deminsions are 30 wide x 22 high x 12 deep.
My estimate is about 37 gallons? Anyone have a better guess?

The tank was used and had some good fishy water with gravel in the bottom and several used decorations.... that and I pulled a few gallons of water from my existing tank. I think the cycle will go fast.

I have one cichlid now. my guess is that its a kenyi. maybe a male.
I want to get whatever I need to make his life good. I was thinking another cichlid or two.
I would also like to add some other fish, a clean up crew (I already know that I cant have anymore ghost shrimp... the cichlids love to eat them)

Any ideas on fish to add?
And a good guess on my actual tank size?

Tank has been up and running for a few days. Still showed amonia yesterday, hopefully this morning it is leveled out.


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2003
North Dallas, Texas
Visit site
my fish looks alot like the picture on the profiles listed on this site.
The kenyi pic... it was blue several months ago, and now several months later looks more yellow/orange/purple depending on mood. which leads me to believe its a maturing male.

At 34 gallons Im still not sure that I should get 2 more. I would like to get a female for him, but dont know how much help I will get at the local petsmart in sexing the proper mate for him.

Since I will most likely only end up with two cichlids, I would like to add some other fish maybe a shooling type, and some algae eaters, maybe otto's?

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
my apinon is to get some nice schooling fish like glowlight tetras or neons and then corrys are always nices the way they role thier eyes at u

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Thats a no ram man....whew they'd go like the ghost shrimp.

Your best bet is to go with more africans. However in a 30-35gal tank you are a bit limited as to what other africans you can add. I'd say you are best off getting a few other kenyi if thats what you have. If its a male then i'd try and get females. If you have a female i'd get about 1 male and 1 other female. These can get pretty aggressive, and kinda large (i guess average mbuna size) and in a 30-34gal tank its just hard to stock enough fish to spread the aggression out like most malawi tanks are setup to do. Of course this being when your fish are full grown.

Another option is to take the kenyi back and go with some other types of cichlids like south american dwarfs, or some lake tang species.

Or you could get some yellow labs, currently i have a group (7 i think? lol) in a 29gal all doing fine.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
ookay never mind i thoght you were talking about sa cichlids sorry i still dont now all of their nameds o and good luck with them africans are indeed lovely fish