New Tank


Small Fish
Jul 29, 2005
I'm about to start cycling my new 50 gallon tank. I want to put some cichlids in there but I'm lost as which ones. Will do well with each other, I would like some suggestions. I want some with nice colors. I also want to know what other fish would go with them thnx.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
50 US gallons?

Why dont you do some research on the different types of cichlids? You could do a great tanganyikan setup with julidochromis species (called julies), some altolamprologus compressiceps or calvus, neolamprologus brichardis or other smallish tanganyikan cichlids.

Or you could do a tank of mbuna species (which are the ones with more color I believe you're looking for) the labidochromis ones that are the yellow labs or the electric blue labs, but there are specific rules with cichlids about not mixing types of fish that are different species but LOOK a lot alike (called conspecifics) because many cichlids are aggressive towards conspecifics.

Or there's always the South American or Central American cichlids that would be good in a planted tank...whereas the african cichlids are less plant friendly :)

There's TONS of thing you might want to do is visit your nearby stores and find some fish that you like and come back and figure out if A) they'll work in your size tank and B) what kind of habitat they like and C) what other fish they might go with. We have LOTS of cichlid profiles in our profile section too...