New Tank


Medium Fish
Oct 16, 2005
Our new 90X45X45 aquarium arrived yesterday. Our first order of business is to decide whether to go with stones or gravel on the bottom. We want to have lots of plants and we are planning to go freshwater. Any suggestions as to what we should do -- soil or stones? Also, plants here in Japan cost a fortune. Any suggestions as to whether we should get a Co2 device for the plants -- and if so -- what kind to get. Then what plants are best???


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
If you want plants there are plenty of plant specialty substrates, my favorite being eco-complete. But really as long as you add adequate fertilizers to the roots and pea sized smooth gravel will work.

For plants and CO2 needs, it really depends on what kind of plants you want and what kind of lighting you have.

Your best bet is to check out some of the plant websites like and read up on all the dif verities then see what is available for your location. If they are that expensive over there you definitely want to get it right the first time.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
You may want to check out some of the products from ADA (Aquatic Design Amano). There are a lot of substrates the company sells that are great for plants (although a little pricey). I am sure there are some places you could get cheaper versions. Link for ADA here: (that's the mostly English version). The European site has info on the products in English (I'm not sure if you read Japanese or not): As it's all a big trend in Japan, I am sure there must be cheaper imports of similar things from other Asian countries.

If you want to go a cheaper route, you could use sand as a substrate, by getting it from a local hardware store. Sandblasting sand, play sand and pool filter sand are all used by a lot of hobbyists. Or, you should be able to get some plain gravel either at a fish store or landscaping store.