New tank


Large Fish
Nov 30, 2006
I got the tank from my moms today and it turns out this tank is a 20gallon and not 10 like I first thought. Now Im extremely excited. Im going to clean it out and set it up tomorrow because Im just too tired to do it now. As mentioned in my other post I will be moving the adults into this tank and putting the babies in the 5 gallon tank.

I need some advice and I hope you guys arent getting sick of me and my tons of questions. Now someone mentioned putting the gravel from the current tank into the new tank along with some of the water. Can I do half old gravel with half new gravel? Also can Use half the current water with half new water? This tank had everything with it including gravel and decorations. I did buy a new filter though. I bought a marineland bio wheel one. The current tank is an Eclipse Hex and I liked the Bio Wheel thing so I got that for this tank also..

I also wanted some advice as live plants. What are good ones to get? In the current tank I have what looks like an underwater house plant. I dont want to have a cluttered with decorations tank just something with something nice and simple and enough room to add different kinds of fish..

Can you tell the excitement Im feeling right now?

First of wich questions are good *thumbsups ! Now what is going into the tank?(I must of missed the thread!). What is the wpg(Watts Per Gallon) so we can help with determination of live plants! Also What you can do is put some gravel of your cycled tank in panty hose(unused) and float/sink it into the tank and that will give bacteria needed for the cycle! Good starting plants are Java Fern, Java Moss(kinda messy though!), Wisteria, Amazon Swords, and other such plants.


Large Fish
Nov 30, 2006
Hi James! Ok I have 3 mollies and a chinese algae eater. They are in my 5 gallon right now. One of the mollies had fry this morning so I was wanting to get a bigger tank ASAP and my sister had one that she wasnt using.. That was in my thread named Hello out there. Im not sure what you mean by watts per gallon but I have a heater that is 100 watts and so is the filter. Does that help.. The tank measures 20 L 10 W and 12 H. Is that of any use?

1.7 wpg! So I would stick to low light plants. Here is a list you can have:

Pygmy Crypt
Cryptocoryne undulata
Golden nana
Java Moss
Narrow leaf nana
Cofee leaf anubias
Anubias nana
Petite nana
Cyptocoryne wendtii

Anubias barteri
Anubias barteri marble
Anubias barteri v. glabra
Anubias x. Frazeri
Cryptocoryne Becketii
Cryptocoryne walkeri
Java Fern

African Water Fern
Cryptocoryne balansae
Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
Cryptocoryne spiralis

That is a good list. But you cant have all. Search them and see what ones you like best!


Large Fish
Nov 30, 2006
Whats a good wattage to have? This tank is old but in good condition. I found a pet store in the area where my mom lives that is way better than Petsmart and they have a ton of full and half hoods there. Should I get a newer one or can I stick with this one for a bit?

I did a search and found a site that had a few different types of plants along with specs.. I seem to like the Anubus Afzeli and the Anubius NaNa.


Large Fish
Nov 30, 2006
I think Im gonna go with the Java fern and the Anubis nana.. The java moss looks a bit uncontrollable to me.. Im not sure if I want a carpet. I looked at a few tanks and I like the gravel and light decorations with a plant on the side. Not too cluttered and gives plenty of room to play with..