New Tank?


Small Fish
May 11, 2008
Well today i graduated grade 9*DRUMMER* and with my grad money I am thinking of possibly buying another tank, nothing to big,maybe somthing that could sit on my dresser or somthing, I don't know what to stock it with. I would kinda like to Breed Guppies or somthing but in the 10 gallon tank I have at the moment I have a Betta and I don't think he would be a fan of the Male Guppies tail, So any suggestions on tank sizes and what to stock it with? Or any other types of fish I should put in my 10 gallon? Currently in my 10 gallon I have, 1 male betta, 2 female platie, 1 Male Platy, 2 Neon tetra and 1 Small plec, I would like to add more but don't know what to add.


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
Congratulations! Since you want to put this on a dresser my suggestion of a 29g is out of the question. You could probably get another 10g or a 14g, something like that. Maybe go with a school of tetras. I've got a school of five in a 10g planted with a colony of red cherry shrimp. Or maybe you could get a dwarf gourami (a honey red, perhaps) with a few neons.

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
How sturdy is the dresser? Go 20L with a couple swordtails and some cardinal tetras. Grab a few ottos and your good to go. That would make a nice planted tank as well. I am sure whatever you go with you will enjoy, congrats on your freshman year completed.