new tank


Medium Fish
Jun 25, 2009
hi everyone. ive had a lot of success wit my first saltwater tank so i just got my second one. my new one is a 30 gallon hexagon tank. i hve close to fifteen lbs of live rock in there and bout a one inch sand bed. im just askin if u's had any suggestions on some cool fish and other cool things i could put in it. im hopin to make it somewhat reef like


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
hexagon tanks can be difficult to light but are great for smaller fish that don't need a lot of linear swim room such as cardinals, clowns, gobies, and blennies. shrimp and other inverts would be good also, but no anemone please.


Medium Fish
Jun 25, 2009
ok i wasnt planning on an anemone but i hve a lunar wrasse in their now. and in my main tank i hve a clarkii clown. so i ws gonna put my clown from my main tank into this one and maybe swap and put the wrasse in my main, if thats ok. and i would get another clown and some other goby or something and some shrimp to put in the 30. also is there anything tlse tht clowns would live in or somethin that looks like an anemone?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
you do realize that lunar wrasses get huge and that a 30g is way way too small? You need to do better research on the minimum tank sizes for your livestock prior to buying them........also a lunar isn't reef safe. Clowns will host in anything. Mine have hosted in frogspawn or candy cane corals.


Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2009
Kingston ON.
Something nice for your 30G would be some gobies specificly shrimp gobies because of the sand you can watch them form a symbiotic relationship and live in a burrow together. They are also good for a tank with sand because they are sand sifters they will pick up the food and sand in their mouth and sift out the sand through their gills leaving the food in there mouth. Both the feeding habbit and sybiotic relationship are really interesting to watch and they are a very hardy fish, good for a 30G.