New Tank :)


Small Fish
Jul 3, 2009
a town in PA
so a while back i had a 10g tank with a few carnival goldfish.. sadly they didn't make it... however i cycled the tank and bought 5 serpae tetras (2 long finned and 3 short finned) they all school together... and an emerald cory..

yesterday i was given a bow front 30 gallon :D so i put my little guys in there.. and now.. i have a huge empty tank..

Any Ideas on community?

i was think 2 or 3 bala sharks and i deffinately want at least 1 more cory so he isn't lonely..

here is my new tank :) still adding plants and stuff...looks huge though :)

thanks for the input..

OH BTW.. i had the 10 gallon with those 6 fish for about a month or 2.. no deaths.. no ick no illness.. beautiful.. and the new tank was all seeded with their old water (plus new of course bigger tank) and gravel and their decor.. and some start right before i added them and some stress coat.. just for you worriers :)



Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I'm confused.. where do you want the bala sharks? In the 10 or 30? Either way, they grow too big, around 40cm and needs lots of swimming space.

I'd suggest maybe 4 more emerald cories, and a few more serpaes personally. I'd suggest getting a centrepiece without flowing fins as serpaes are notorious for fun-nippers, so something like a gourami could work well.

Also, the goldfish likely didn't make it due to ammonia, a 10g isn't sufficient even for one. They produce a lot more waste than your average fish, and eventually grow to around a foot in the right conditions.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
DO NOT get bala sharks. they need a 100+ gallon tank.
Get the cories (around 5)
and increase your serpae school to around 8. try to get short finned varieties.


Small Fish
Jul 3, 2009
a town in PA
ok... thank you for the input... i want to wait at least a few days for my current fish to relax into the new tank set up before adding anymore anyway.. just imagining my options.. i really like gouramis... i didn't think they'd work with the tetras