New Tank


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
So I bought a 10 gallon glass tank to replace my 5 gallon acrylic tank because it was really showing it's age. Once it's cycled I will move 02 from the 5 gallon and I might just get another Dwarf Puffer but I haven't decided.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
YAY for new tanks! When I get paid in the next two weeks (getting paid for three of my piano student, although not a full month for two of them, and doing some dog-sitting for a friend) I'm going to need to look into getting another tank in case my GBRs breed. :D I saw an awesome one at Goodwill that was about as long as a 10gal, but not as deep (front-to-back) and a little taller) and was rimmed on every side with brushed aluminum. It came with a whole bunch of extra junk, too. If I'd had the money ($30), I SO would have gotten it!

Keep us updated on how the new tank looks and what you do with the 5gal. :)


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Hehe gotta love the need for new tanks/fish we all have! Funny thing is that I bought a 10 gallon kit that said it was for goldfish! Also I need to buy a new heater because the one in the 5 gallon died so I put my extra one in there. I totally forgot that my extra one was in use when I was at the store but that's ok because I have to buy substrate and drift wood anyways (maybe I will see if I can collect some)!

I will for sure keep everyone updated and I will make sure to include pictures. I'm pretty sure that the 5 gallon will be a quarantine/hospital tank.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Of course, this is the same LFS that purchased the "fruit" tetras (which, in their defense, they knew nothing about) and who keep their poor betta boys in TINY, extremely dirty 1 pint bowls that are only filled maybe halfway. When I was in there the other day and saw the fruit tetras, I heard one of the girls that worked there say to the other "Wow, those betta bowls are really dirty. But __________ (whatever the owner's name is) didn't tell us to clean them, so I'm not going to bother." The other girl agreed with her.

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
Check out Craigslist...I got a 37 gallon, 2 filters and a stand for $10! They thought it was a 10 Gallon.....It did come with a mangled looking molly and a huge Pleco, maybe 10 inches long! The water was TERRIBLE, they are both doing fine now in clean water!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I hate when stores do that. The picture on the tank boxes usually show a 3 gallon tank with 3 goldfish in it and it's very misleading to beginners. I read somewhere that companies will actually Photoshop the fish so that they are smaller in relation to the tank.
I was looking at the box from my Hex5 the other day and it has four or five blue three-spot gouramis shown in that tank! :eek: The box for my AquaTech 5gal bowfront shows four fantail goldfish in the tank. *shudder* I would totally not be surprised if they did indeed Photoshop those fish into those tanks.

I can imagine that if we photoshop people for magazines, that most any and everything else is photoshopped, from fish to dogs to food, etc.

My boyfriend is an accounting major, but taking a lot of other business courses and they were going over how businesses are now trying to use certain smells to get people to buy their products and are trying to find a way to do this without having to disclose the information on what they're using.

So photoshopping to secret aromas in the air, marketers will do anything.

Sep 21, 2010
if you check on craigslist, they have some pretty neat offers. . . but my parents would never let me do that *sigh*

I saw a 55 gallon tank with a puffer, some old fake plants, and heater for $60:eek: besides being a year old it looked fine

at my lfs they sell 60 gallon tanks for about $200 not including stand.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I just got a 10gal for free off Craigslist the other day. I also saw a nice 75gal tank with matching oak stand and canopy (the big overhead canopies that hide all the lights) and a nice canister filter for $50 on Craigslist a few months back. I SO wanted to get it, but the people never emailed me back on it.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Yup! I also have two tanks (my Hex5 and a 5gal bowfront) that aren't in use at the moment, as well as the 10gal I got for free that I'm going to be moving my halfmoon male betta, Amun, into from his 6gal FBH (with the decorations in his tank, he's a bit crowded...and I couldn't figure what else to do with the 10gal since I don't want any more male bettas at the moment unless they're halfmoons or plakats).