new tank


Small Fish
Sep 21, 2011
I have a friend who is giving me two of her gold fish. One is a Chocolate Oranda Goldfish and the other is just a regular 13 cent goldfish. I have a 29 gallon tank. What else do I need to set up my aquarium. Also I was told that I could use live plants but then I was told that the Chocolate Oranda would uproot it and kill the plants. Which is true. Would it be best to get artificial plants? Thank u

Sep 26, 2011
I don't know if I'm qualified to answer this, so I'd wait to see if someone chimes in in addition:

Filter system
Water testing kit (get the master kit, with drops. Avoid the strips)
Substrate (gravel on the bottom)
Something to get the N cycle rolling.

and this is where I'm not sure I'm qualified. Do Goldfish need to worry about a cycled tank like other fish? I see all the time a beta or a couple goldfish in a water container. Are they not sensitive to NH/NO2/NO3?