new tankmates needed

Well. after having just lost my 2 angels:(  I'm looking at tankmates for the gang in the 33g.
current residents:
2 cories
3 yoyos
3 rams
2 clown plecos
1 lacecat
7 harlequins
1 f dwarf gourami

What I'm looking at is:
Angels (2), jewel cichlids (1m 2f), m dwarf gourami, pictus cat(s)

Tank is 6.8 pH, peat filtered, about 20 live plants, tannin stained, temp 79, AC300. Ammo 0, NitrItes 0, nitrAtes <20.
Which of those fish would you add? Any? All?(that would be too much to ask for wouldn't it ;) )
Thanks for any and all info, everyone. Personally I'd love to add ALL of the above, but I doubt that's possible.

Oct 22, 2002
The pictus cat would cool but make sure that the harlequins are larger ones, my (former)pictus got 6 inches long and would eat little fish,esp neons, when he was smaller and a little more active.The jewel cichlids would probably mess around with the other fish. If you want more angels, get smaller ones so that they are less apt to eating smaller fish when older.