New to 55 gal. Need imput on eels, PLEASE!


Small Fish
Jan 24, 2008
I have had smaller tanks in the past. 2 weeks ago I got a gently used 55 gal. tank. It came with a stand, 200 watt heater, and a EHEIM 2213 canister filter. I have made up my mind that I would build the tank around the three things that I have always wanted to have in a tank. First was that I have always wanted to have a spiny eel, the second was sand in the tank and the third where things like snails and an upside down cat. I have visited several forums, scientific info sites, and I am a little overwelmed because I seem have lots of info but none of the answers I am really looking for (this could be because I haven't figured out the right questions yet.) So thus I turn to you ... I would like to hear your opinions, hear what you have observed, and just talk to people that have acturaly owned eels.

Question 1

Which eel(s) would be most appropriate for a 55 gal. tank?

Question 2

What type of plants are best to be added to the tank (what plants make the eels most comfortable, do eels do best around, and do well around eels?)

Question 3

What type of decor and ordimentation is best (for providing hiding spots and would be appropriate?)

Question 4

Tankmates: What fish go well with eels? I have read that they might eat smaller slower fish and understand that what Im more interested in are what are good tankmates that can co-exist without pestering the eel? {Having read about fin nippers and eel pesterers and not having them defined.}


Small Fish
Jan 24, 2008
So last question before I buy fish. I have been going to the lfs for a couple weeks now and looking at the fish while waiting for the tank to cycle and what i have observed is that the peacock eels in there tank are anywhere from a half inch to about 6". The way it appers to me is that the 6" is the one that the have had the longest and then the ones that are about 3" are the second to last shipment and the smallest are the ones they got in a couple days ago. All seem to have no health conserns. So my question is which ones should I choose and what should I be looking for (besides the obvious health problems.)